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I am here for Friends

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50 short questions Survey!
Sleep with or without clothes on? on, but things can change ;)
Prefer black or blue pens? that there are a billion guys at my school and the only two who like me are creepy as all get out
Dress up on Halloween? no, but it would be fun to go out again
Like to travel? i love to travel. Australia anyone?
Like Someone? you know it...
Do they know? unfortunately not
Who sleeps with you every night? me, myself, and i but if anyone wants to change that, let me know
Think you're attractive? im a single girl at a tech school...guess
Want to get married? sure, you askin? ;)
To: well, i have to find someone who wants to marry me
Are you a good student? i try...seriously, even if it doesn..'t show in my GPA
Are you currently happy? no, i wanna run away sometimes
Have you ever cheated?? Been cheated on? yes and yes..but i never will again...EVER
Birthplace? Wayne, Michigan
Christmas or Halloween? Halloween...Christmas makes me sad, Halloween doesn..'t phase me
Colored or black-and-white photo? black and white, they say more
Do long distance relationships work? if both people want it to then it can
Do you believe in astrology? no, but its fun to read
Do you believe in love at first sight? no, i don..'t believe everything i see on tv
Do you consider yourself the life of the party? ha! thats a joke right?
Do you drink? nope
Do you make fun of people? i try not too, thats mean
Do you think dreams eventually come true? i..'ll tell you if mine ever do
Favorite fictional character? i don..'t really have one
Go to the movies or rent? id rather go, but its expensive
Have you ever moved? hahahahahaha have i ever NOT moved?
Have you ever stolen anything? not that i can think of, i don..'t think i ever could though
How's the weather right now? its dark out...but not ungodly cold yet
Last time you cut your hair? sometime in august
Last person you talked to on the phone? Garrett
Last time you showered? this morning
Loud or soft music? loud
Mcdonalds or Burger King? burger king
Night or day? neither
Number of pillows? i wish i had a billion
Piano or guitar? guitar players are hot
Future job? mechanical engineer, i wanna work for Ford...
Current job? being a student
Current love? ...
Current longing? someone to love
Current disappointment? i don..'t have anyone to love (aka a boyfriend)
Current annoyance?
Last thing you ate? Chex-Mix
Last thing you bought? Flowers and a balloon for Sarah
Most recent thing you are looking forward to? i..'m not...thats kinda depressing
What are you hearing right now? the tv in the living room
Plans for the weekend? Stay with Sarah in the hospital
What did you do today? class,class,class,lunch,flower shop, hospital
Pick a lyric, any lyric or song? i hope you dance
Pick a movie quote? Yeah. Uh, did you get that memo?
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The Ninja Turtles...if I could be anyone, I'd be April O'Neal.