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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hey world! How do you sum up 32 years of experiences that have shaped and molded a person? Where was I then versus where I am now? Music interests? Favorite movies? Hobbies? How 'bout, I am fascinated by music; I have all types and genres (aside from country and gospel) and the years around 1992 saw some of the finest music creations aside from the 60's. I often slip movie quotes into my conversations. It's a subtle way to see if I have something in common with the person I'm speaking with. You know that point where you say a line and the other person either gives a blank stare, laughs, or nods in agreement. You know you've got a connection if the latter of the two occur. I have been blessed with two adorable children and a carring family. I communte, I work, I sleep, eat, drink and lounge around. I like hanging out with friends, drinkin some brew and shooting pool. I play video games and throw darts.

A'ight, time for some new stuff... I couldn't believe The Salmon Dance from the Chemical Brothers!!

You know, I'm just in a dueling banjos kinda mood!
And here's some killer cigar box guitar

My Blog

'Tis better to have loved and lost...

From Alfred Lord Tennyson's poem In Memoriam:27, 1850: I hold it true, whate'er befall;I feel it, when I sorrow most;'Tis better to have loved and lostThan never to have loved at all. I know it's ki...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 12:19:00 GMT

Stealin' tunes

So, I have a raging hatred of the RIAA and MPAA... However, with that said, why are people still ripping tunes? Not trying to get credit with the artists or anything, but for me, having the physical m...
Posted by on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 14:42:00 GMT

Music and Tunes

It's funny, being in the computer and electronic industry, you'd think I would have been on MySpace a long time ago.... So I finally got on and started looking for folks and came across some of my fav...
Posted by on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 20:26:00 GMT