geetar. rock climbing. monster trucks. sandy major's meatloaf. cold days. modern art like andy warhol. catch phrase. dorothy mantooth. snowboarding. tractor trailers. water. rowing. surfing. yoga. not using capital letters. sue bower. have huge boogers. '91 chevy blazers. john deere. whoopi cushions. christmas lights. spiderman. red raspberry jam. jambalaya. macs. time machines. outer space. butt hair. comedy. LIFE. the game of life. sneezing. flavored lemonade. diabetes!
my smokin' red hot girlfriend, erin, who's a stone cold fox!
elastigirl from the incredibles
the subject of this monster truck
bob ross
a diabetic wombat
hero i've already met...
anathallo. as tall as lions. adam green. beatles. ben folds. bleach. COHEED AND CAMBRIA. copeland. corrine bailey rae. the darkness. death cab for cutie. denison marrs. frou frou. hangnail. imogen heap. koufax. lovedrug. mae. the mars volta. michael jackson. modest mouse. motion city soundtrack. norah jones. ozma. pavement. pedro the lion. the postal service. queen. saves the day. simon and garfunkel. slick shoes. steely dan. sunny day real estate. thursday. twothirtyeight. old weezer.
the darkness...
anchorman. benchwarmers. butterfly effect. donnie darko. dumb and dumber. eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. garden state. herbie: fully loaded. the incredibles. josie and the pussycats. just friends. little miss sunshine. mean girls. napoleon dynamite. osmosis jones. red asphault iv. speed. van wilder. vanilla sky. waiting. wedding crashers. zoolander.
dirty jobs. HEROES. i shouldn't be alive. man vs wild. reno 911. the oc. the office. oprah.
THE BIBLE. blue like jazz. the giving tree. green eggs & ham. when you've got to go
JESUS. jimmy dean. ricky bobby.
sandy major...