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We would like to meet any and everybody. We are the most down to earth guys you'll meet. Whether at a party, class or just around campus.. feel free to come kick it wit us!!
Cool Stuff at
...If you are interested in becoming a Sigma man. We are looking for men to uphold our principles of brotherhood, scholarship, and service. We are a service based organization and proudly give our time to help better our Tucson community. We are not all about partying... however we do have fun... LOTS OF FUN! (GOMAB!) One thing we pride ourselves on is that SIGMAS GRADUATE! Bruhs with majors from Engineering to Finance to Dietetics have come through our chapter and all have or will graduate! If you feel you are one of these men and are ready to make lifetime bros and sisters... Don't hesitate to send us a message or talk to us and we will give you more information on how to proceed. Take care and God Bless. Bluuueee Phiiii, Youuuu Knooowww!!Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
AAE Through The Years
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Sigma Light
The Most Honorable A. Langston Taylor, The Most Honorable Leonard F. Morse, The Most Honorable Charles I. Brown