This profile was made so that everyone who knew seff dogg would not forget about him or his music. seff dogg had a message to give to everyone. his time here was cut short by stress and the lack of freedom that we really have in the world today. Seff Dogg grew up in Coral Springs florida but at about age 22 he moved to Isreal. not to long after seff dogg moved to Isreal he missed all his friends and family and wanted to come home. The goverment would not let Sefi "Seff Dogg" back in the usa. he tried for several years to come back home and was refused every time. He was forced to live in a country were he had no friends no family. he moved to england and tried to make a life for himself it was hard for sefi, as I recalled from our phone conversations...he told me that he had to watch his back everyday becouse if he ever got picked up in england they would send him back to Isreal and he didnt want to go back. Sefi died soon after. the couse of his death is still a mystery some say suicide but we really dont know...........we really dont even know for sure that he is dead all we know is that the phone calls stoped the letters stoped and a rumor surfaced that Sefi had died. the last time I spoke with sefi he sent me all his music and said for me to let people hear it. Listen close to Seff Dogs lyrics. Sefi we all miss you and wish you were here! music /
Myles Conner O.K.7 here is seff dogs music page made by his people in the U.K. check it out. and thanks.......................................http://www.soun