My interests are photography, wave riding, driving cars/trucks and riding the dirt. I like animals, especially reptiles and amphibians. I am also interested in making a possitive impact in peoples lives who are around me. We only have one life that we don't know how long will last so live it to the fullest and make every second count. Technology is great, but it prevents us from experiencing the little things such as stopping to smell the roses and looking at the bug on the pettle. Now that you are done reading, turn off your computor and cell phone, let a day go by without Starbucks and go for a walk, but before you do, give me a call because I will probably want to go with you.
I'd like to meet people I don't know.
County, classic rock, Hawaiian, and metal are my top 4 .. width="425" height="350" ..
All the "Crusty Demonds of Dirt videos" Nitro Circus, Dumb & Dumber, North Shore, Ace Ventura, Forrest Gump, Thicker then Water, and Surf Country.
I don't have cable, so, if I come over to your house I would like to watch Animal Planet, Fuel T.V. and during the commercials you can watch whatever you want.
I have read the Bible cover to cover, and that one is the only bood worth remembering.
The millionare who takes time to pick up a penny off of the ground. The homeless guy digging through the garbage and stops to switch the song on his I-pod, the one legged guy rideing at the skate park on a bike, and Jose, the blind guy who plays vollyball.