1960's WERE YOU A MOD..ROCKER..HIPPIE or PUNK?with pics!
YOU ARE A HIPPIE!!! PEACE OUT MAN!Hippies were normally high on some type of herb or mushroom or sumthin and went round in groups in camper vans. You are at one with nature and material things are not important to you. Peace dude.Your Hippie quote: Peace and Love to all, man
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What Kind of Metalhead Are You?
You are a True Metalhead. You dig the classic music and the classic lifestyle. As metalheads go, you're pretty open-minded in terms of music and lyrics; if it rocks, then you'll listen to it. Concerts are the pinnacle of the metal experience, though sometimes they get a little too crazy. You generally respect everybody else, but as far as you're concerned, they all wish they were Priest or Maiden.
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Everyone and everythingQueens Of The Stone Age- Auto Pilot
Are you a mod or a rocker?
As a certain Beatle would say: You're a bit of a mocker! You refuse to be put into one of those rediculous, narrow minded labels because you simply don't fit one! Who cares what they all say, you don't need to join a movement to feel like you belong, and that's an admirable quality. Try telling that to the mods and the rockers though!
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almost famous,eurotrip,braveheart,trainspotting
Married with children,South park,Simpsons,Futurama,dead like me,rescue me
BRAVE NEW WORLD(the best book ever),Lord Of The Flies,Name Of The Rose... I try to read a lot....
all the people who try to survive without killing others...hahahaha
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Really Long Survey (over 200)
What is your name?: Igor
Are you named after anyone?: po cimeru od starog
What's your screename?: Igor
Would you name a child of yours after you?: ne, pa nisam glup
If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be?: neznam
If you could switch names with a friend who would it be?: s nikim
Are there any mispronounciations/typos that ppl do w/ your name constantly?: ne, pa ime je jednostavno(osim kaj me sestra do 5. god zvala ido)
Would you drop your last name if you became famous?: ne, nisam glup
Your gender:: musko
Straight/Gay/Bi:: ravno
Single?: da
If not, do you want to be?: ma nije da mi se svida biti solo
Birthdate:: 1.12.89
Your age:: 17
Age you act:: pitaj druge
Age you wish you were:: 17
Your height:: 178 cm
Eye color:: zbog mojeg oka plavog
Happy with it?: da
Hair color:: sad smeda(prirodno plava bila je i crna)
Happy with it?: da
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous:: desno
Your living arrangement:: pa angaziran sam jako al najvise zelim suzbit glad u svijetu:D:D::D:D
Your family:: majka,otac,sestra
Have any pets?: 2psa(fido i lucy), 2 macka(crni i ramona)
Whats your job?: ciscenje gimneta ,ucenje,zajebavanje
Piercings?: nema
Tattoos?: nemam al ocu
Obsessions?: GLAZBA i ljepe zene i majspesj
Addictions?: GLAZBA
Do you speak another language?: slovenski i engleski i recimo dojclanderski
Have a favorite quote?: The Road To Hell Is Full of Good Intentions
Do you have a webpage?: ne
Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it
Do you live in the moment?: naravno
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: da(make love not war)
Do you have any secrets?: pa ko ih nema
Do you hate yourself?: ne
Do you like your handwriting?: da, sad je bar citljiv
Do you have any bad habits?: psujem i znam bit dosadan
What is the compliment you get from most people?: (nadam se da smer nebu cital) da sam PREDOBAR
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: kako je potjeh trazio istinu
What's your biggest fear?: strah me je moje raske, jako
Can you sing?: da, al ne zvuci dobro
Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: ne
Are you a loner?: ponekad, jako ovisi kakve sam volje
What are your #1 priorities in life?: neznam i to je problem
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: normalno
Are you a daredevil?: ak mi je dosadno
Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: to da mi kosa otpada
Are you passive or agressive?: kak kad
Do you have a journal?: da al ga pisem svakih par dana kak sam ljen
What is your greatest strength and weakness?: za to pitaj ljude oko mene
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: da mi kosa prestane otpadat
Do you think you are emotionally strong?: valjda
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: to da mi kosa otpada to mi je zal
Do you think life has been good so far?: da, naravno
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: pa da se za sve treab namucit ko konj
What do you like the most about your body?: neznam.....sve je ok
And least?: to da mi kosa otpada
Do you think you are good looking?: treba druge pitat
Are you confident?: da
What is the fictional character you are most like?: kaj ja znam, mozda lara croft
Are you perceived wrongly?: da, svi me krivo shvacaju
Do You...
Smoke?: ne, netreba mi
Do drugs?: 5th amandmant
Read the newspaper?: tu i tam
Pray?: da
Go to church?: da
Talk to strangers who IM you?: da, zast ne, to je fun
Sleep with stuffed animals?: prestal sam
Take walks in the rain?: obozavam to
Talk to people even though you hate them?: ja nikog ne mrzim
Drive?: da(al ne auto)
Like to drive fast?: da/ne, ovisi o situaciji
Would or Have You Ever?
Liked your voice?: da
Hurt yourself?: ne, nema potrebe
Been out of the country?: da
Eaten something that made other people sick?: da
Been in love?: a ko nije
Done drugs?: 5th amandmant
Gone skinny dipping?: ahahhahah
Had a medical emergency?: ne
Had surgery?: da, al neke sitnice
Ran away from home?: ne
Played strip poker?: da, e to je fun
Gotten beaten up?: ne, peace
Beaten someone up?: peace
Been picked on?: pa da zajebancija
Been on stage?: da, cistil sam ga u gimnetu
Slept outdoors?: da, to je jos jedna carska stvae
Thought about suicide?: ne
Pulled an all nighter?:
If yes, what is your record?:
Gone one day without food?: da, to opce nije bed
Talked on the phone all night?: da, i to ne rijetko
Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex?: da
Slept all day?: ne, to je boring
Killed someone?: je svaki dan jedno 8 ljudi
Made out with a stranger?: da(god bless rock otocec)
Had sex with a stranger?: ne
Thought you're going crazy?: da, oduvjek
Kissed the same sex?: ne
Done anything sexual with the same sex?: ne
Been betrayed?: da, to se svima dogaada
Had a dream that came true?: o da i bilo je smesno
Broken the law?: da
Met a famous person?: da
Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: ne
On purpose?: ne, pobogu zast bi to napravil??
Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?: da al je ispalo dobro jer sam to napravil
Stolen anything?: ne
Been on radio/tv?: da,cesto
Been in a mosh-pit?: ha???
Had a nervous breakdown?: skoro danas radi biologije
Bungee jumped?: ne al bi htel
Had a dream that kept coming back?: da, i to je dosadno
Belive in life on other planets?: mozda
Miracles?: ne, al se ponekad dogadaju
Astrology?: da, al samo natalne karte
Magic?: ne
God?: da
Satan?: da
Santa?: ne
Ghosts?: ne
Luck?: naravno pa ja sam sreckovic
Love at first sight?: ne, to je bullshit
Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)?: pa to je samo po sebi razumljivo jer da nema zla ni dobra nebi bilo.....
Witches?: da, vecina mojih frendica
Easter bunny?: ne!?!??!?
Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?: da
Believe theres a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?: je i moj tata je astronaut
Do you wish on stars?:
Deep Theological Questions
Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell?: ne
Do you think God has a gender?: ne
Do you believe in organized religion?: da
Where do you think we go when we die?: kam ocemo
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: da
Who is your best friend?: sven, marina i brdo drugih ljudi koje nem navodil da nekog ne pozabim
Who's the one person that knows most about you?: sven/marina
What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?: hm, puno ljudi mi je dobre savjete dalo
Your favourite inside joke?: ma ima ih tolko da te glava zaboli
Thing you're picked on most about?: da celavim
Who's your longest known friend?: hm, cini se da lucija, znam ju od dana kad sam se rodil, doslovno
Newest?: puno ljudi sam zadnje vreme upoznal
Shyest?: nisu bas nest prevec sramezljivi
Funniest?: svi su dobola smesni
Sweetest?: hm, ima jako slatkih maloljetnica
Closest?: svi su mi dragi i pristni
Weirdest?: hm,sven?????tonc????smer???
Smartest?: ja sam najpametniji!!!gss
Ditziest?: ??????????''''
Friends you miss being close to the most?: ana premur mi fali zadnje vreme jer se retko cujemo
Last person you talked to ..?: geric,sven,tonc(talking to them now)
Who do you talk to most ..?: sven,tonc,marina,lucija,meki,ana,ana,marko etc.....
Who are you on the phone with most?: sven
Who do you trust most?: ja se lako poiuzdam u ljude
Who listens to your problems?: svi koji moraju a trudim se da ih bude sto manje
Who do you fight most with?: s svojom raskom
Who's the nicest?: svi su ljepi i dobri
Who's the most outgoing?: hahahah
Who's the best singer?: neznam, nek se dogovore
Who's on your shit-list?: moja raska
Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend?: da
Who's your second family?:
Do you always feel understood?: da
Who's the loudest friend?: ja sam nazalost najglasniji
Do you trust others easily?: da
Who's house were you last at?: svenovoj
Name one person who's arms you feel safe in:: mama
Do your friends know you?: da
Friend that lives farthest away:: u drugoj drzavi
Love and All That
;Do you consider love a mistake?: ne
What do you find romantic?: svasta
Turn-on?: sve i nista
Turn-off?: same here
First kiss?: hell yeah it was nice and long ago
If someone u had no interest in had interest in dating u how would u feel?: pocasceno i vjerovatnno bi imal ineteres u tu osobu
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going: da, naravno
Have u ever wished it was more socially acceptable 4 a girl 2 ask a guy out: a kaj nije??'
Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractiv: ne, to je glupo
Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: neznam
What is best about the opposite sex?: sve
What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: hm...................
What's the last present someone gave you?: cokolada(fala meki) i prometni stupic(fala fonz)
Are you in love?: neki vele da jesam ja tvrdim da nisam, pa si misli
Do you consider your significant other hot?: nemam ponu drugu
Who Was the Last Person...
That haunted you?: da, ana stuhec u snu(ozbiljno)
You wanted to kill?: rasku i jednog kretena za kojeg neznam kak se zove
That you laughed at?: celovreme se smijem
That laughed at you?: geric sad prek icqa
That turned you on?: necu o tome
You went shopping with?: starci
That broke your heart?: moje srce je jos uvjek neslomljeno i kljetke se cvrsto drze jedna za drugu
To disappoint you?: a jebiga neko i to mora
To ask you out?: neznam
To make you cry?: raspalkal sam se od smeha u subotu na debati
To brighten up your day?: cim bilokoga od freekova vidim mi je sve svetlo
That you thought about?: trenutno razmisljam o marini
You saw a movie with?: s 20 ljudi u gimnetu
You talked to on the phone?: maki
You talked to through IM/ICQ?: geric,sven,tonc
You saw?: stari
You lost?: je onak bas je jednostavno osobu zagubit.....
Right This Moment...
Are you going out?: ne
Will it be with your significant other?: nema takve
Or some random person?: kako sto rekoh nejdem danas van
What are you wearing right now?: traperice, traper kosulju, bokserice,carape,2 prstene, 2 narukvice i lancic
Body part you're touching right now:: ljevi palac
What are you worried about right now?: o tome dal bum s 5 presel
What book are you reading?: od poea sabrana djela na engleskom jer mi ih je sven kupil i vrli novi svijet(opet)
What's on your mousepad?: nemam podlosku za misa
Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling:: carski
Are you bored?: ne
Are you tired?: da
Are you talking to anyone ..?: da,s barbarom i sveno i gericem i toncom
Are you talking to anyone on the phone?: ne
Are you lonely or content?: ja zadovoljan
Are you listening to music?: da uvjek i zauvjek!!!!!!!!!muzika.........
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