You can view all of my latest art in their original resolutions at:
Let it be known that I am lazy, and if I was un-lazy I would alter the formation of this list since Yaoi isn't the top of my tastes anymore, it's actually drawing now. But what the hay. Enjoy the TLDR that is my profile.
I have decided to SPIFFIFY my myspace with some rambling. Sure, there isn't much to know about me. But here it goes anyway.
So I love Yaoi.
Yaoi is your friend, don't deny it.
I have nearly two gigs of just Yaoi mangas and images on my computer that grows day by day. Well, used to. Then I got a new PC and my old hard-drive is still lying around. So when I get all my old stuff, I'll begin my collection once more.
I love my friends.
I have too few of them to give up for silly reasons. And they always seem to be there when you really need them.
I love being talked to/talking to people.
So long as the person is literate/articulate, mind you. All that U for you and 2 for too crap really gets to me. It makes my grammar hurt, ya know?
No wai!
Okay, back on the subject.
I love to draw
I'm not insecure anymore, my art has blossomed into something even I think is beautiful and full of emotion. And I am a horrible critic on myself.
My real name is NOT Evelyn.
It's one of my Nicknames. Along with Navi, Evie, and Kass.
My real name is Kassandre.
Nice to meet you.
I love making new friends.
Mind you, I'm not interested in finding a relationship on here.
I tend to find them elsewhere. You know, not on MySpace?
You didn't know? There are other places on the internet... And in the world!
Okay, we already went down that road. Let's try to stray away from the Noob-speak.
I am Sixteen Seventeen.
Yeah, I aged. Gasp. Another year that disappeared. They just fly by these days.
I R teh plushy!
... You really think I care that I'm fat? It makes me a good pillow, bitch.
I R teh Seme.
You WISH you were as Seme as me. You silly little Uke!
Okay, I need to stop with the random outbursts, I'm fully aware.
I'm in love.
Yeah, you should already know that by now. If you don't, well, you're an idiot. But with who, that's the tricky part.
I'm in Lust.
With someone that's absolutely beautiful to me.
I'm in Friendship.
With pretty much any literate level-headed person that I meet.
I give out free hugs.
You know you want one. They're better than sex.
Pokemon is my Childhood. And has re-emerged. Pokemon diamond, Whooo.
Kirby is too. (Pssst, Squeak squad is awesome.)
I is Happy as Pie!
Apple pie.
Are you happy as Pie?
Well you should be.
I edited my profile with Thomas� Myspace Editor V3.6 !