Myspazz Sexheads__♥♥ profile picture

Myspazz Sexheads__♥♥


About Me

Sexhead Contests

Running Since 29th August 2006. 3:32AM
Owner - Steph
Emily - Co-Owner

If We added You, We Probably Think You're Hawt. :]

To Enter

+ Add Us
+ Message us, with:
the contest name as the subject, the picture, your name and age, and your myspace URL.
+ we only put you in if you're gorgeous, sorry.
+ we might pick a different one of your pictures. atleast you're in.
+ If you're in, you'll get a message back. Voting;

+ Go To Pictures
+ Find the Picture you want
+ leave a comment saying vote
+ You Have Two Votes
+ You Can Vote For Yourself
+ Fake account's votes will not be counted.
+ It is pointless to leave mean comments, they are counted as votes, you are helping that person.Contests

+ If you're not in, there was someone better than you.
+ Don't like it?
delete us :]

My Interests


+ Full or Finished

+ Best Eyes [1/10]
+ Best Outdoors
+ Best With Pet
+ Best With Instrument
+ Best Lips
+ Cutest couple
+ Brunettes only
+ Blondes Only
+ Best black Hair
+ Best Redhead
+ Best Mirror Pic
+ Best "Grr" Face
+ Best with Toy [1/11]
+ Best Peace Sign
+ Most Attitude
+ Best Natural
+ Best Sleeping
+ Best Makeup
+ Best Black and White
+ Best Shades
+ Best Friends
+ Best Photoshopped
+ Boys Only
+ Girls Only
+ Best Hair
+ Best Outfit
+ Best Pose
+ Best in School
+ Best From above
+ Best in Hat
+ Best metalhead
+Best gothic design
+Best dress-up
+ Best myspace pose
+ Best prom pic
+ Best in water
+ Best patterned
+ Best bedhead
+ Best with random objects
+ Best band pic
+ Best eyeliner
+ Best piercings
+ Best middle finger
+ Best extensions
+ Best pout
+ Best in boxers
+ Best serious
+ Cutest emo
+ Cutest asleep
+ Most colourfull hair
+ Messiest make-up
+ Most random