lu·cid·i·ty [n]
1. free from obscurity and easy to understand; the comprehensibility of clear expression [syn: clarity] [ant: unclearness, abstruseness]
2. a lucid state of mind; not confused
ob·fus·cate [tr.v]
1. To make so confused or opaque as to be difficult to perceive or understand: “A great effort was made... to obscure or obfuscate the truth†(Robert Conquest).
2. To render indistinct or dim; darken: The fog obfuscated the shore.
co·in·ci·dence [n]
1: The state or fact of occupying the same relative position or area in space. 2: A sequence of events that although accidental seems to have been planned or arranged.
per·pet·u·al [adj]
1: Lasting for eternity.
2: Continuing or lasting for an indefinitely long time.
3: Instituted to be in effect or have tenure for an unlimited duration
4: Continuing without interruption.
con·tra·dic·tion [n]
1: A denial.
2: Inconsistency
3: discrepancy
in·con·sis·tent [adj]
1: Displaying or marked by a lack of consistency, especially:
a. Not regular or predictable; erratic
b. Lacking in correct logical relation; contradictory
c. Not in agreement or harmony; incompatible
2: Mathematics. Not solvable for the unknowns by the same set of values. Used of two or more equations or inequalities.
de·lib·er·ate [adj]
1:Done with or marked by full consciousness of the nature and effects; intentional.
2: Arising from or marked by careful consideration.
3: Unhurried in action, movement, or manner, as if trying to avoid error.
hedon·ist [n]
1: Pursuit of or devotion to pleasure, especially to the pleasures of the senses.
2: Philosophy. The ethical doctrine holding that only what is pleasant or has pleasant consequences is intrinsically good.
3: Psychology. The doctrine holding that behavior is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.
dis·ci·pline [n]
1: Training expected to produce a specific character or pattern of behavior, especially training that produces moral or mental improvement.
2: Controlled behavior resulting from disciplinary training; self-control.
3...a. Control obtained by enforcing compliance or order.
b. A systematic method to obtain obedience.
c. A state of order based on submission to rules and authority.
4: Punishment intended to correct or train.
5: A set of rules or methods, as those regulating the practice of a church or monastic order.
6: A branch of knowledge or teaching.
i·ro·ny [n]
1...a. The use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning.
b. An expression or utterance marked by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning.
c. A literary style employing such contrasts for humorous or rhetorical effect.
2...a. Incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs: “Hyde noted the irony of Ireland's copying the nation she most hated†(Richard Kain).
b. An occurrence, result, or circumstance notable for such incongruity.
3: Dramatic irony.
4: Socratic irony.
wit [n]
1: The natural ability to perceive and understand; intelligence.
2...a. Keenness and quickness of perception or discernment; ingenuity. Often used in the plural: living by one's wits.
b. Sound mental faculties; sanity: scared out of my wits.
3...a. The ability to perceive and express in an ingeniously humorous manner the relationship between seemingly incongruous or disparate things.
b. One noted for this ability, especially one skilled in repartee.
c. A person of exceptional intelligence.
rhyme [n]
1: correspondence in the sounds of two or more lines (especially final sounds) [syn: rime] 2: a piece of poetry [syn: verse] v 1: compose rhymes [syn: rime] 2: be similar in sound, especially with respect to the last syllable
rea·son [n]
1: The basis or motive for an action, decision, or conviction. See Usage Note at because. See Usage Note at why.
2: A declaration made to explain or justify action, decision, or conviction: inquired about her reason for leaving.
3: An underlying fact or cause that provides logical sense for a premise or occurrence: There is reason to believe that the accused did not commit this crime.
4: The capacity for logical, rational, and analytic thought; intelligence.
5: Good judgment; sound sense.
6: A normal mental state; sanity: He has lost his reason.
7: Logic. A premise, usually the minor premise, of an argument.
lan·guage [n]
1...a. Communication of thoughts and feelings through a system of arbitrary signals, such as voice sounds, gestures, or written symbols.
b. Such a system including its rules for combining its components, such as words.
c. Such a system as used by a nation, people, or other distinct community; often contrasted with dialect.
2...a. A system of signs, symbols, gestures, or rules used in communicating
b. Computer Science. A system of symbols and rules used for communication with or between computers.
3. Body language; kinesics.
4. The special vocabulary and usages of a scientific, professional, or other group: “his total mastery of screen languagecamera placement, editingand his handling of actors†(Jack Kroll).
5. A characteristic style of speech or writing: Shakespearean language.
6. A particular manner of expression: profane language; persuasive language.
7. The manner or means of communication between living creatures other than humans
8. Verbal communication as a subject of study.
9. The wording of a legal document or statute as distinct from the spirit.
esâ‹…oâ‹…terâ‹…ic [adj]
1. understood by or meant for only the select few who have special knowledge or interest; recondite: poetry full of esoteric allusions.
2. belonging to the select few.
3. private; secret; confidential.
4. (of a philosophical doctrine or the like) intended to be revealed only to the initiates of a group: the esoteric doctrines of Pythagoras.
ve·rac·i·ty [n]
1: Adherence to the truth
2: Conformity to fact or truth; accuracy or precision
in·stinct [n]
1: An inborn pattern of behavior that is characteristic of a species and is often a response to specific environmental stimuli: the spawning instinct in salmon; altruistic instincts in social animals.
2: A powerful motivation or impulse.
3: An innate capability or aptitude: an instinct for tact and diplomacy.
time [n]
1...a. A nonspatial continuum in which events occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future.
b. An interval separating two points on this continuum; a duration
c. A number, as of years, days, or minutes, representing such an interval
d. A similar number representing a specific point on this continuum, reckoned in hours and minutes
e. A system by which such intervals are measured or such numbers are reckoned
2...a. An interval, especially a span of years, marked by similar events, conditions, or phenomena; an era. Often used in the plural: hard times; a time of troubles.
b. The present with respect to prevailing conditions and trends
3. A suitable or opportune moment or season
4...a.Periods or a period designated for a given activity
b. Periods or a period necessary or available for a given activity
c. A period at one's disposal
5. An appointed or fated moment, especially of death or giving birth
6...a. One of several instances
b. Used to indicate the number of instances by which something is multiplied or divided
7...a. One's lifetime.
b. One's period of greatest activity or engagement.
c. A person's experience during a specific period or on a certain occasion
8...a. A period of military service.
b. A period of apprenticeship.
c. Informal. A prison sentence.
9...a. The customary period of work
b. The period spent working.
c. The hourly pay rate
10. The period during which a radio or television program or commercial is broadcast
11. The rate of speed of a measured activity
12. Music.
a. The meter of a musical pattern: three-quarter time.
b. The rate of speed at which a piece of music is played; the tempo.
13. Chiefly British. The hour at which a pub closes.
14. Sports. A time-out.
sha·man [n]
A member of certain tribal societies who acts as a medium between the visible world and an invisible spirit world and who practices magic or sorcery for purposes of healing, divination, and control over natural events.
inâ‹…ane [adj]
1. lacking sense, significance, or ideas; silly: inane questions.
2. empty; void.