ASTEC - HTC profile picture


If I were goin' to give ppl one clue as to how to achieve true happiness, it would be this: find som

About Me

Hmm...About Me...Well first off, my name is Edgar Luna but you can call me any of these nicknames- Gansito, Gorilla, Lobito, Fusion, Savage, Osito, Magic, Spawn, Astec, Baloo, Yogi, Wolf, Taz, Time, Aslan, Dumb-Butt, Hobbes, Chango, Carlito Brigante, Penguin, Papi Chulo, or Blind Bat. The only person who can call me papi chulo is my girlfriend. I never believed in love at first sight, then one day....i saw her n now i'm a believer. I love her very much, not a day goes by that i dont think of her or write her name a million times on a sheet of paper. She's my woman, my mighty queen, and I'm the jewel in her crown. She's the sun so hot and bright, I'm her light-rays shinning down. She's the sky so vast an blue, and I'm the white clouds in her chest. I'm a river clean and pure, who in her ocean finds his rest. She's the mountain huge and high, I'm the valley green and wide, she's the body firm and strong, and I'm a rib bone on her side. She's an eagle flying high, I'm her feathers light and brown, She's my woman, my queen of queens, and I'm the jewel in her crown. I’m 18 yrs old. I was born in Del Rio, Val Verde, Texas. Mostly grew up in Houston. I have a lot of pride in my city and the amazing country I live in. Don’t get me wrong I love my other country where my parents were born. I love my family, my friends, and the new people I meet. I like music...anything from Punk rock, Rap/Hip-Hop to Jazz, Blues, Country and Good Ole' Fashion Rock N' Roll! I assemble words to break your spirit, watch me, I think music explains what words can't do alone. I love hip hop with a purpose. Leave the "bling-bling" talk at home. I like to draw and write poetry. I like art and art culture. I will create anything and everything. Art is my life, so don't interrupt me or I will kill you. My goal with my art in general is to try to inspire awareness and action in the viewer...Art for me is a way to express myself to show others that i can draw good. I love it and I will never get tired of the magic in art. When you look at the drawing that someone has drawn there's like magic in the drawing. Any picture, drawing, or sketch has a million words in them. I just draw what I see in my mind or what has happened to me in the past, like loved ones that I have lost. I like to have a good time!! I am a very blunt person. And I am also nice, sweet, romantic, caring, respectful, kind, humorous, funny, laid back, fun and crazy. I am very opinionated and give it to you straight up. I have been born and raised Catholic and I have no tolerance for people who try to push their atheist beliefs on me. Find someone else...or I’ll make you bite the fuckin' curb. I live in Houston and I'm not going to say I don't like it because I do! I’m a full-blooded Mexican. I don't try to be anything. All I am doing is being myself and if that makes someone call me a poser, then we know where their intelligence is coming from. The only thing I would even attempt to describe myself as, is "Alternative". It's a mix of everything, made up of whatever I happen to like, or how I feel like dressing that day. I don't "try" to be different like most people. I'm not trying to give my life meaning by demeaning you & I would like to state for the record that I did everything that I could do. I’m not a sucker. I’ll never be your lover. I'd rather make you suffer. You stupid mutherfucker, I'd rather keep the trash & throw you out. I lay awake at night dreaming of how lucky I am but knowing there’s a piece of me missing & I cant find it. Sarcasm is my weapon, I use it against all villains. I am a klutz as I walk into walls, check out my shins. I think broken promises and outright dishonesty are one in the same. I think physical beauty is fleeting. I laugh at stereotypes. I constantly speak my mind. I love fruits and juices. I dream only to wake up drowning. Truth is, if a friend jumped off a bridge, I would too. I believe in chivalry. I find myself to be passive aggressive at times. I try to live for the present and hope for the future. I wear my heart on my sleeve. My intelligence seems to surprise many. I love my family. I value my friends. I am getting married someday, I find stray pieces of my heart laying around & i am heterosexual. I worry about society. I love vietnamese sour soup. I will not be a part of your "numbers" games. I believe in karma, but I do not behave according to this. It makes my actions deceitful, no? I don't care what people think about me. I'm naive. I am a mexican 'till the day I am dead. I don’t give a damn what you think I'll fight for the right to keep my rights and freedom. My flag will forever fly high cause I am a MEXICAN BADASS THAT’S WHY!! latin layout @ HOT music / movies

My Interests

There are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.
How many have your name?

I'd like to meet:

I dont want to meet any one that wants to be more then friends cuz i already found the woman of my life


.. classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=" flash/,0,29,0" width="499" height="317" ..
Flash Games Provided by Arcade Spot


Miami Ink, Criss Angel:Mindfreak, 8 Simple Rules, My Wife and Kids, Smallville, Supernatural, Overhaulin', Pimp My Ride, Cristina n sometimes Lifetime.


The Giver


Survey About Yourself
About You
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5..'10.."
Favorite Color: Dark Green
Screen Name: AzTeC pRiNcE
Favorite Band: i have a lot
Favorite Movie: i have a lot
Favorite Show: Miami Ink
Your Car: ..'64 Chevy Impala
Your Hometown: Del Rio!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your Present Town: H-Town
Your Crushes First Name: hmm dont have one
Your Grade: like wat do u
Your Style: mY oWn StYle
Have You Ever
Sat on your rooftop?: yEs
Kissed someone in the rain?: nope but i want to try it wit Chantel
Danced in a public place?: NoPe
Smiled for no reason?: sOmEtImEs
Laughed so hard you cried?: YeS
Peed your pants after age 8?: nOpE
Written a song?: NoPe
Sang to someone for no reason?: yEs
Performed on a stage?: YeS iN tHeAtEr ArTs
Talked to someone you don't know?: mAyBe...idk lol
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: NoPe
Made out in a theatre?: nOpE
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: NeVer
Been in love?: yEs
Who was the last person to
Say HI to you?: hmm i cant remember
Tell you, I love you?: Chantel
Kiss you?: over the fone....umm,,,jk....Chantel
Hug you?: no one
Tell you BYE?: Hmm Chantel on the fone
Write you a note?: no one
Take your photo?: me, my mom, or my sis
Call your cell phone?: dont have one no more but when i did ummm i think it was Chantel
Buy you something?: Me or my parents
Go with you to the movies?: my homeboys Lupe n his stupid bro Moy n my bro Juan
Sing to you?: MyseLf
Write a poem about you?: nobody
Text message you?: hmm the last person to text me on my old cell was umm take one guess lol.....Chantel duh
Touch you?: hmm no one
What's the last
Time you laughed?: idk
Time you cried?: i cant remember
Movie you watched?: StaY aLiVe
Joke you told?: idk
Song you've sang?: ..'Dreaming of U..' by Selena
Time you've looked at the clock?: 2:01 am
Drink you've had?: Dr. PePpEr
Number you've dialed?: my sisters cell fone
Book you've read?: The GiVeR
Food you've eaten?: hOt PoCkEt
Flavor of gum chewed?: NoNe
Shoes you've worn?: eTnIeS
Store you've been in?: WaLgReEnS
Thing you've said?: hmm...i dont know
Can You
Write with both hands?: SoMeTiMeS
Whistle?: YeS
Blow a bubble?: hElL nAh!!!!!!!!!
Roll your tounge in a circle?: HeLl NaH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cross your eyes?: sOmEtImEs
Touch your tounge to your nose?: HeLl NaH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dance?: hElL nAh!!!!!!!!!
Gleek?: HuH???
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: hElL yEaH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Speak a different language?: NoPe....just english n spanish lol
Impersonate someone?: yEs
Prank call people?: NeVeR
Make a card pyramid?: nOpE
Cook anything?: HeLl NaH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finish The Line
If i were a ...: BiRd
I wish ...: Chantel was wit me in my arms
So many people don't know that ...: i could disappear
I am ...: my DAD
My heart is ...: full of love for Chantel
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