/a>a I just try keep everything simple, SUCCESS IS MY MOTIVATION because my daugther needs me to be her support and role model. Im a true believer that everything happens for a reason and what will be will be. So i let life happen and keep it moving. (Ive learnt to make the best decision in a moment that i can be happy with and not in the thought of what i could do and how it could be.) THAT MIGHT BE TOO DEEP FOR SOME OF YOU...**IN OTHER WORDS I DO WHAT I WANT TO DO...**
I LIKE HAVING OPTION, I TRY TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THEM IN EVERYWAY. Ive made some unintelligent action in my life but ive reep and than i so.......i love and live, but ive learnt,...... God is good, God is love,................found this
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