Family, Guitar, Music, Mopar Muscle Cars, Dukes of Hazzard, Lincoln Highway, Paranormal, Good Humor amd dirty jokes
as long as your not an asshole ---i would love to meet ya!!
There are only 2 kinds of music---good and bad --- I've been payed to play both!
any Burt Reynolds movies with cars!! Superbad, 40 year old virgin, Big Lebowski, Snatch, Any Vince Vaughn movies, Who's Da Man, Signs, Jeepers Creepers, The Friday the 13ths
Spike TV, CSI, Numbers, Discovery Channel, CMT, GAC, Family Guy, Simpsons, Spongebob, Ghost Hunters, the Geico caveman commercials, Robot Chicken
Twats a book??? Mopar Muscle, Mopar Collectors Guide, Vintage Guitar Magazine, Maxim
My wife Michelle, My parents, Grandparents, My Uncle Joe and Grandfather for teaching a little boy along time ago how to play music and have fun doing it.