GENOCIDE (Odium Humani Gneris) profile picture

GENOCIDE (Odium Humani Gneris)

War is the Final Destination of Man's Hatred. You need not to look very far to see its comming...

About Me

"The Weak and Feable Minded serve only one Purpose in their Existence, and that is to be Conquered by Superior Domination. There are few of us Brothers in Arms, Fighting the same Fight to rid the Planet of those who taint it with their Insolance.Together, we shall overcome the masses of the Ignorant, and Raise the Banner of the True Hordes of Humanity! We shall come to our Calling, and Rid this Planet of all Those Unworthy of the Human Spirit! Let the Black Flame Forever Burn, and the Flame of all others Fade Out!
To really know me, know that I have only two loves in my life, and those are my girl, and my band. Fuck with either of them, and I can promise you that you shall be the only fucker in heaven bound to a wheelchair.
Karina, is perfect for me, and no other is her equal. She describes beauty in all languages and all words. If there were a word whose definition describes a woman more beautiful than beauty itself, then it would be written here for her, but since no such word does excist, she is merely divine.
Excidium, the pure Genocidal Black Metal Band of the Rio Grande Valley is my other true love. We, the Brothers of the FLAME serve only the purpose of pure domination over the weak and ignorant. We segregate not one specific race or religion. We Hate the Ignorant and all those Unworthy of Human Life! We EXAULT those who have lived their lives and have done something they believe is worth being done. We GLORIFY those who take it upon themselves to change what needs to be changed, and we PRIASE all who have tried. That is EXCIDIUM...
If you would like to know more, message me on AIM...LordEternal1134
If religion comes down to faith, why does an individual need religion to express their faith? Whether or not most black metal lyrics are crap, the points remain regarding "Christian metal" lyrics. I think no ideology actually believes in individual rights, because to have the individual right to be against that ideology insures its own demise, so the intelligent ones at least will attempt to put a stop to that. The sneaky ones say they don't, but do anyway. My final question is: if Christians are really playing what they feel, why are they emulating secular bands? ---Quoted by S.R.Prozak---
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

What interests me is music beyond all other forms of entertainment. But, by looking at this page, you probably already knew that. Other inerests would be my Drumset...I fucking love to go out back and jam on the set...with no one to interrupt me, its fucking heaven.

I'd like to meet:

I really can care less about who Id like to meet. If i meet someone kick ass, then thats cool, and if not,then i can care less. The only thing i need to make sure of is that i meet the right people and that i dont surround myself with the ignorant type of asshole that i hate...
Get this video and more at

---EXCIDIUM--- Live @ The Hookah Lounge
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My Blog

Dec. 8th through Dec. 9th. Total Mayhem!!!

The day of the 8th was no big deal, had school, lunch sucked, shit like that. What i couldnt wait fore was that night...SHOW IN BROWNSVILLE fuckers! after waiting in 50 degree weather (or less) for an...
Posted by Genocide on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 05:39:00 PST

101 Rules of Black METAL!!!

Here follows the 101 rules of black metal, then maybe you'll se why Cradle of Filth aren't considered black:1. Don't be gay.2. Be "true".3. All people who aren't "true" are gay.4. Be grim.5. Be necro....
Posted by Genocide on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 03:52:00 PST