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Intentionally amputating healthy erogenous genital tissue from tethered, protesting infants is a sur

About Me

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Come Join MARY KAY with me! Become a BEAUTY CONSULTANT. No experience required. Work right at home. Earn 50% profit! I LOVE being an Independent Beauty Consultant for Mary Kay. It?s simple, fun, and extra cash on the side. GET READY TO FALL IN LOVE with a great shopping experience! Mary Kay has great anti-aging products that work instantly to help bring you younger looking skin, fewer lines and winkles, improved firmness and more even skin tone. Unbelievable Foundation for all skin types and all the colors you want. You won?t believe it, until you try it. Mary Kay also sells neat gifts to pamper for family members, friends, and co-workers. You may set a 1-on-1 appointment with me to try out any products you?ll like to experience. Or you may set up a skin care class party with at least 3 people. You may earn unlimited Mary Kay products FREE! Or you may get $75.00 in Mary Kay products for only $35.00 just for having a party! free gifts! If you know anyone whom is interested in trying any of our products please let me know. messege me! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~You’re sleeping. Strange hands grab you. You startle. What’s happening? Who are they? What do they want? They strip your clothes off and strap your arms and legs apart. Fear overcomes you and you start to cry. You struggle against your bonds in a vain attempt to free yourself. Now those hands are touching you in your most private parts. A white-hot searing pain rips through you. It feels like they are tearing you apart! The pain is unbearable and you scream until no sound comes from your trembling lips. How long will this torture continue? What have you done to deserve this? Just when you’ve given up hope they stop and bandage up the bloody mess. The fierce pain is starting to subside to be replaced by a burning throb. In a few days the healing comes and the pain is just a memory. You don’t know it now but your genitals have been irrevocably altered never to have the same sensations you were born with. Some stranger with a knife mutilated your genitals and you were helpless to stop it. Welcome to America baby boy! You have just been routinely circumcised. There is no law to protect you. If someone other than a Doctor or Rabbi had done this it would be considered criminal. What’s criminal is not giving you the choice to change your body yourself. If you were a transsexual you would have to go for counseling and live as the opposite sex for year or so before altering your physical self but because a misguided or misinformed parent wants you to “look like daddy” or worse because they think its “prettier”, your life will never be quite the same. If this sounds harsh how do you think that precious baby boy feels?

My Blog l

Circumcision is Evil! There, I said it. Let me say it again: Circumcision is evil. Period. Don't give me your "religious covenant" or "hygiene" crap. No decent god would be interested in you attac...
Posted by bianca on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 05:19:00 PST

Check out this video: The Nurses of St. Vincent: Saying "No" to Circumcision

Posted By:MGMbill.orgGet this video and more at
Posted by bianca on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 08:21:00 PST

Check out this video: They Cut Babies, Don't They?

Posted By:MGMbill.orgGet this video and more at
Posted by bianca on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 08:21:00 PST

Check out this video: Facing Circumcision: Eight Physicians Tell Their Stories

Posted By:MGMbill.orgGet this video and more at
Posted by bianca on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 08:21:00 PST

Check out this video: The Foreskin: 15 Square Inches of Erogenous Tissue

Posted By:MGMbill.orgGet this video and more at
Posted by bianca on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 08:20:00 PST

this is the most horriblest thing you can ever do to your son

Posted By:MGMbill.orgGet this video and more at
Posted by bianca on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 07:57:00 PST