wElL i ThInK i JuSt BeCoME iNteReStEd iNto SomEthIng WhEn I tRiEd DoInG iT sO fOr nOw i LikE mOtOrACE buT hAvEnT bEen DoInG tHaT fOr A lOnG TimE WhATeLsE AnYthINg tO dO wItH comPutErs hMm i WaNnA lEarN moRe...b0yS boYs AnD bOys jYsT an InTeReSt hUh thEn i ReAlLy dOnT LIkE GOiNG OuT iF i Am rEaDy T O WhAtEvER yOU WaNnA dO kIddInG lOlS...hmMMm...bUt sA fUlL cOmMitmEnT i aM nOt ReALlY inTeResTeD...HAhAhA oK i Am gOiNg To DiScOvEr SomE oF mY inTeReST pAh...
**it took one look and forever lay out in front of me... one smile then i died only to be revived by you...there i was thought i had everything,figured out.. goes to show just how much i know..'bout the way life place out...i take one step away then i find myself coming back to you...MY ONE AND ONLY YOU!...now i know that i know...not a thing that i know.. except the fact that I AM YOURS & THAT YOU ARE MINE!.. you told me tha this wouldn't be easy and no im not the one to complain... MY ONE AND ONLY YOU!
i CaN lIsTEn To AnY kInD oF mUsIc aS lOnG As iT iS nOt eaRdRum bReaKiNG...
iM nOt PaRtiCulAr aBoUt aS lOnG aS iT iS inTeResTing iT wIlL dO...
i am nOt mUcH inTo tV...
y0u kNoW fEaR sTREet PocKetbOokS...
mY mOmmA aNd pApA!wHo ElSe...