aNgeLfiRe profile picture


I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

naku pangkulet pang asar sa mga tao... notorious sa pagpopost sa friendster pagnasa list ko kau patay kau kasi i am going to flood your bulletin hehehe...hmm what else, hopelessly romantic yata..semi kinda sorta inlove and stupid...i blamed u for bein wot u r i blamed u 4 wot m goin thru ryt now m sowee if these words dont come out ryt m sowee coz i kno dat m d 1 2 blame i did evrythin i cud jst 2make u say i wud do anythin 4 u & i want 2say ur mine bt u came 2me jst fine u threw it all away i open my eyes while m dreamin and the visions of u start fadin i pray dat u wldnt stop believin wait up coz my horizons are changin so u bring d fact of life to me & u hop 2make me see evrythin's gonna be alright now i tell u wot i realize part of me s confused and paralyzed wit d feelins i get fr YOU!!!!

My Interests

wElL i ThInK i JuSt BeCoME iNteReStEd iNto SomEthIng WhEn I tRiEd DoInG iT sO fOr nOw i LikE mOtOrACE buT hAvEnT bEen DoInG tHaT fOr A lOnG TimE WhATeLsE AnYthINg tO dO wItH comPutErs hMm i WaNnA lEarN moRe...b0yS boYs AnD bOys jYsT an InTeReSt hUh thEn i ReAlLy dOnT LIkE GOiNG OuT iF i Am rEaDy T O WhAtEvER yOU WaNnA dO kIddInG lOlS...hmMMm...bUt sA fUlL cOmMitmEnT i aM nOt ReALlY inTeResTeD...HAhAhA oK i Am gOiNg To DiScOvEr SomE oF mY inTeReST pAh...

I'd like to meet:

**it took one look and forever lay out in front of me... one smile then i died only to be revived by you...there i was thought i had everything,figured out.. goes to show just how much i know..'bout the way life place out...i take one step away then i find myself coming back to you...MY ONE AND ONLY YOU! i know that i know...not a thing that i know.. except the fact that I AM YOURS & THAT YOU ARE MINE!.. you told me tha this wouldn't be easy and no im not the one to complain... MY ONE AND ONLY YOU!


i CaN lIsTEn To AnY kInD oF mUsIc aS lOnG As iT iS nOt eaRdRum bReaKiNG...


iM nOt PaRtiCulAr aBoUt aS lOnG aS iT iS inTeResTing iT wIlL dO...


i am nOt mUcH inTo tV...


y0u kNoW fEaR sTREet PocKetbOokS...


mY mOmmA aNd pApA!wHo ElSe...

My Blog

0nE wAy oR aNoTHEr...

ONE WAY OR ANOTHER -BLONDIE One way or another, i'm gonna find ya. I'm gonna getcha, getcha, getcha, getcha. One way or another, i'm gonna win ya. I'm gonna getcha, getcha, getcha, getcha. On...
Posted by aNgeLfiRe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

hmmmm... is this supposed to be my space :-)

well...ano nga bah well there are lots of unusual things happening to me even those things i am not expecting..i guess that's life and there are reasons why are they happening ;-) basta mahal eventho...
Posted by aNgeLfiRe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


AM 6:00-6:30 he has a crush on you 6:30-7:00 youll have a friend soon 7:00-7:30 expect the unexpected 7:30-8:00 bad fate 8:00-8:30 good luck for the day 8:30-9:00 a blind person will love yo...
Posted by aNgeLfiRe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST