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* Log in * register * archives * member forum15 Aug 06 Hide Myspace Top 8+ Friends Only post info By drew 848,229 views codes, HTML, myspace related postso Randomize Your Myspace Top Friends o Hide Myspace Friends & Comments o Hide Myspace’s Top Search Bar o Finding lost myspace friends.Back to Code DirectoryDirections for use: - copy the code and place into any section of your profile.*New Code (5.16.07)*The Old Code (Jon’s below) still works (with more control)- remove the yellow to keep “Yourname has 100 friends” - remove the orange to keep your “view all friends” link.- Also, if you HAVE a scroll/div comment section and this doesn’t work for you go here for an alternative solution.* A Pleasant Myspace * Comments on your Homepage * HomePage Layouts * Profile Codes * Free Layouts * Div Templates * Free Images * Blog Self-Subscribe * Correct Your Friend Count * Make Any User "Online Now!" * Picture XML * Flash Filter Hacked * Profile Specific Hotlinking * Avoid MSPLinks * View "Hidden" Stuff * View "Private" Stuff * x View All Myspace Posts!* What is Firefox? * Firefox Problems? * Extension List * Loading Image Icon * How To Edit GM Scripts * Launching Faster * Today's Secret Word Is.. * x View All Firefox Posts!* * * * * *Promote Us! | Link Exchange?*59 Responses to “Hide Myspace Top 8+ Friends Only” Feed for this Entry Trackback AddressPages: « 1 2 [3]1. 35 jamie May 6th, 2007 at 3:28 ami was wonder if you could make a code where it keeps the link to view friends and the orange bar above the pictures but hides the photos and names of the friends with any space?if that makes any sence? 2. 36 duck brown May 8th, 2007 at 10:09 pm[quote comment="21144"]i want to just hide a couple peope on my page from a certain person….how do i do that?[/quote]lol…me too, if anyone figures that out, that would be tha shit! 3. 37 icymoonstar May 14th, 2007 at 3:29 ami have a lay out that hides my top 8 and i want it back. anyone got a code to fix this? 4. 38 kiM May 17th, 2007 at 4:02 pmi need HELP!!!!!!! how can we hide our top friends??? buht it will still show the “view all friends”… how can we do that???? PLEASE HELP!!! en thanks! :D 5. 39 Lizzy May 18th, 2007 at 10:04 pm[quote comment="17814"]I’ve tried all these different codes to hide my top friends but keep the ‘view all friends’ link, and none of them work. They just mess up my profile[/quote] 6. 40 Lizzy May 18th, 2007 at 10:12 pmnever mind…lol I already fixed my thank you! 7. 41 CREAMY Jun 1st, 2007 at 1:43 pmCAN SOMEONE HELP ME/ I WANT TO JUST HIDE THE “VIEW ALL FRIENDS” PART AND KEEP MY TOP 16. PLEASE HELP! 8. 42 Amanda Jun 7th, 2007 at 5:07 pmI took what the page said ( taking out the ‘yellow’ parts and the ‘orange’ parts and applied it to a code from a different website. it worked! it left the view all friends link. if i totally confused you, basically just read this entire page. it helps! 9. 43 mulletboycody Jun 11th, 2007 at 1:28 pmis there a code to hide only the view all friends link???? i want to show my top 24 friends but hide the view all friends link.If anybody already knows how please let me know!!!! 10. 44 CJ Jun 20th, 2007 at 4:12 pmhow do i keep the box that says “username”’s friends comments?PLEASE HELP ME!!! 11. 45 t-munney Jul 4th, 2007 at 6:48 pmSearching “how to hide top 8 friends” on Google and this is the first site. Dropping the code was really easy and fast. Thank you! 12. 46 lacy Jul 9th, 2007 at 9:43 pmTHANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU, none of the other sites’ codes worked but this one did!!!! 13. 47 CE-CE Jul 12th, 2007 at 1:15 pmI WANT TO HIDE MY TOP FRIENDS..BUT I CANT DO IT..CAN U PLEASE HELP MEH…THANX 14. 48 unknonw Jul 12th, 2007 at 10:45 pmi ilke to hide my 8 tops but is cool with out it 15. 49 anna Jul 13th, 2007 at 6:58 pm[quote comment="15682"]how do i hide the “view all my friends” but leave my top 8?? please help me, thanks[/quote] 16. 50 Danielle Jul 14th, 2007 at 9:20 pmi was wondering if there’s a code to hide all your friends except for your top 4. i found the code at one point, but i lost it, and it’s really been frustrating me lately, haha.THANKS. 17. 51 legalize it Jul 15th, 2007 at 9:08 pmthank you, now people will stop telling me to put them in my top lol 18. 52 scott Jul 26th, 2007 at 11:45 amhey dus this acutally work ? 19. 53 Jonny Harper Aug 9th, 2007 at 3:08 amHey guys. Just to let you know, the hide top friends thing doesn’t work as such cos its just a style. i.e. it just hides it using another script. If you use firefox and want to do the opposite, i.e. look at people’s top friends. Press view, then page style, then no stlye. Bang… You can view peoples top friends, comments, the lot. Jonny 20. 54 killadadon Nov 3rd, 2007 at 1:36 amstanks ya 21. 55 chiuwe Nov 12th, 2007 at 10:01 pmhey there, i was wondering if you guys know about any code that hides your top and your comments completely, even when you can the page style to no style on firfox. can you guys help me? 22. 56 Melissa Dec 1st, 2007 at 6:27 ami used your code to hide top 8 for a while. but now that i want my top 8 up again, i deleted your code from my page but my top will not re-appear. whats the deal? how can i get it to show again? i removed all your code but it still says joyboner on my profile page….and no top showing.please help asap! 23. 57 tiffany Dec 3rd, 2007 at 3:44 pmgoing off jonny’s comment. does anyone know how to hide your friends and comments even when your using firefox? you know how like people do what jonny said like the go to view then page style then no style. how can you hide it still even when you do that? my friend sally has it like that and she won’t tell me how. 24. 58 Jan 30th, 2008 at 12:16 pmMy comments and friends are centered, and when I use this code it’s uselss. Anyway I can keep my friends and comments centered and also hide my top 8 but leave the friend count??? hahaha I know its a lot =.. Thanks in advance!shay. 25. 59 Heatherk Mar 6th, 2008 at 4:24 pmThanks a mil, Jonny! Wanted to get rid of distracting stuff (apologies to Tom) and keep the page REAL simple. Still finding my way around web setups so this advice was great. This was a great help. cheers, HPages: « 1 2 [3]Leave a ReplyNameMail (will not be published)Website« How to edit greasemonkey scripts. Hide Myspace Extended Network & Blogs » eXTReMe Tracker Powered by WordPress K2 433design feedCreative Commons License is not affiliated with About | FAQ | Terms | Privacy | Contact | Promote! | Donate =D