guitar's, chattin', surfin' the net, textin', watchin' tv in my free time, listenin' 2 d muzic, callin' someone else's phone... hahaha!!! Playin' billiards w/ my frendz, hangin' out w/ them... Clubbin', bar hoppin'.... Playin' computer games, arcades!!! (Car racin' is one of my fave)... Loves 2 read magazines lyk candy mag, seventeen... etc... shoppin', buyin' some cool staffs!!! trendy clothes, accessories, sunvisors, shades... Foods??? Anythin' bsta mkkain... hahaha!!! Drinks??? Ice tea, shakes... Sports cars... I love sports cars!!! Dat's my dream car... (Someday Ill have one... hahaha!!!), Mmmmm... Wat else??? Computers... etc.....
anyone... =) Maybe u?! Yeah, U!!!
Im a MusIc LoVeR... I cAn Juz bE iN mY rOoM d wHoLe dAy, LisTeNin' 2 mY fAvE sOnGs... LiKe rNb, aLtErNaTiVeS, uRbAn, aCoUsTiCs, hIp-HoP, LoVe SoNgS, pOp...
nAkEd WeApOn, sO cLoSe, cOyOtE UgLy, hArRy PoTtEr 1&2, rUsH HoUr 1&2, hOt ChiCk, bULLeTpRoOf M0Nk, sCaRy mOvIe 1,2&3, aMeRiCaN pIe 1,2&3, nOt A tEeN mOvIe,aLL MovIeS oF mArY kAtE & aShLeY oLsEn(ThEy'Re CuTe)...etc...
sMaLLviLLe, aMeRiCaN iDoL, dIgiTaL tOur, sEx aNd tHe CiTy, hBo, sTaR mOviEs, bAyWaTcH, sEveNtH hEaVeN, cHaRmEd, gILmOrE gIrLs, aNgeL eTc...
PurPoSe DrIvEn LiFe.. (I hAvEn't rEaD tHiS bOoK aT aLL, bUt iM sTaRTiN' 2 rEaD iT nOw...) tHiS cOuLd cHaNgE uR Lyf... sO tRy 2 rEaD tHiS bOoK...
mE, mYsELf & I... wHo eLsE??? mY fAmiLy, rELaTiVeS, fRiEnDs & oF cOuRsE, d aLmiGtHy gOd!!! gOdbLeSs mHe! =)