Ham Radio,Ham Radio, Ham Radio and more Ham Radio, Hiking,Hiking,Hiking,Hiking and more Hiking, Backpacking,Camping,Flying,Paintball,Scuba Diving,Movies,Swimming,Golf,Basketball,Bowling,Astronomy, Playing Music,Church Activities and more...
Onda Sagrada,Jeremy Kamp,DC Talk,Newsboys,UB40,Toto, U2,Coldplay,Keane,Buenavista Social Club, Ibrahim Ferrer, John Mayer,JAZZ and more...
STAR WARS 1-6, Indiana Jones, The God Father,Contact, K-Pax,Cosmos,Heat,Back to the Future, The Goonies,Seven,Saving Private Ryan,We Were Soldiers and more...
Discovery Channel, Ghosthunters,The Simpsons, History Channel and CNN News
The Bible,El Alquimista, Caballero de Armadura Oxidada, Quien se ha llevado mi queso,Caballo de Troya (JJ Benitez), Vida con Proposito, Oracion de Jabez and few more...
Jesuschrist,Mom and Dad (Believe me they are),Superman,Calico Electronico, Mazinger Z and Katy La Oruga.