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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

++NEW++ all about you
where are you?: home
are you alone?: are you
where do you want to be?: away
who do you want to be with?: ???
colour?: black
number?: 7
person?: i believe we'er all the same(i don't have favorites)
place?: any where but here
item of clothing?: air force one
drink?: bacardi
food?: has to be cook right plus i need to know what animal it is
season?: summer
animal?: dog
classic coke or diet coke?: spite
water or juice?: depends
vodka or beer?: bacardi
Boys or girls?: girlz fuc you think i am
kittens or cats?: dog
long hair or short hair?: don't matta
love or lust?: let see love can give ya lust ,but lust can't giva ya love or love can give ya lust fuc it
sweet or sour?: both
reality tv or fictional drama?: reality where else you can see white people act a dam fool
water or ice?: water with ice
pink or blue?: black
green or purple?: that purple stuff
yellow or red?: black
your place or mine?: don't matta
smoked?: plead the fitfh
smoked weed?: i take the 5th please
done drugs?: aspin ,advil
had alcohol?: yes
been drunk?: yeah.. lol
passed out from being drunk?: stretch out on a motel baccony( it's good to have real homeboy witcha)
thrown up from being drunk?: 5ive
pashed a boy?: don't know what that mean
pashed a girl?: i guess so
skipped school?: plead the 5th
been fired?: yep
been on a plane?: nope
been lost?: when i was 5
kissed in the rain?: nigga might catch a cold
had sex with a boy?: fuck no have you ( i mean it's okay with me if you do that type of shit)
had sex with a girl?: yup
licked someone?: imma capricorn what yall expect
bitten someone?: y'all nasty
been bitten?: not on my head
been licked?: yall some freaks
made a prank phone call?: plead the fifth
looked at/watched porn?: I got 5 on it
had feelings for a friend?: yep
had a sexual dream/s about a female friend?: five
had sexual dream/s about a male friend?: hell to the naw
been arrested?: nope
met someone famous?: trina, crazy bone, agelo dundee co
been asked out by a stranger?: yep
made out with a stranger?: jonnie 5
male or female?: male
straight, bi sexual, gay, lesbian, pansexual, undecided?: straight
single and looking, single but not looking, taken, taken and looking ?: single
favourite band/s?: outkast
favourite song/s?: 2 many2 name
Tv show/s?: just check my profile
do you prefer music over tv?: music
what turns you on?: personallity, the way she talk smell, move she can be classy?jazzy as long as she real about it
do you like porn?: with a chick wacthing not buy my dam self
if you are in a relationship, are you happy?: ??????????
do you have any 'friends' that you dont actually like?: if i don't like them then they're not your real friend
do you judge people on their appearance?: hellnaw and i don want people judge me
do you like to read?: nope but i try
are you happy with the way you look?: yep
are you generally happy?: ???????
would you ever lie to get out of a date?: nope ill have to tell her straight out
are you attracted to older men/women?: hell yeah
do you enjoy foreplay or sex more?: ????
do you like to be bitten?: not the head any but the head
do you like to be tied up?: why not
do you like to be in control?: hellyeah
do you like to be dominated?: as long as you don't stick nothing up my ass we kool
ever had sex/sexual play with someone while thinking about someone else?: i don't talk much
have you had feelings for someone else while in a relationship?: yes
do you sleep around?: nope i bet you think lying on that one)
would you / have you ever have a one night stand?: i have
do you find your friends attractive?: mostly all my female friends
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