Kurveball: an unexpected occurence with a tendency to throw life out of balance.
Kurveball has always focused on telling the life stories that we all share. Whether it be a song of love, hate, or standing on life's edge, they keep the focus on showing the reality of life's struggles expressed through the medium of music. They've strived on keeping their music pure and without the cliches that many musical groups seem to fall back on. They're calling on their friends and fans to join them in recognizing the trials in life that make you the person you will be tommorow.
Kurveball's main focus is on relating with you, the listener. By keeping a humble perspective on life and the challenges that come regardless of who you are, they believe that alot can be learned and in turn convey those lessons through through the songs they play. They're always interested in hearing fan feedback and recommendations or even just a story they could put to music. Community involvement is a crucial part of their drive towards success.
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