Well to tell you a little bit about me I am 4'8. I have short brown hair with blonde high lights which I am trying to grow out. I have lived in the country for all of my life. I live with my dad. My parents divorced a year ago and it was hard, but we are all working through it. I work at Casco Area Workshop. It is a sheltered workshop for disabled people. I am in the Sewing department. I help do odd jobs that the supervisor asks of me. We make things for the US Army like; fire blankets, fire curtins, bandleers, liners, and Long Johns. I like it back there. They leave you alone and you would as fast or as slow as you like. I am also on the Consumer Advisory Committee. We help Avicate for the other consumers. I love my job and the people I work with. I have 2 pets. A dog named Jasper and once you meet him he will knock you down and lick you to death. I also have a cat named Mary K. She is big and lazy like most cats, but I love her. I have a really weird best friend that lives in West Virginas named Kristina. She doesn't always listen to what I have to say, but I love her anyways for being her. I have the most wonderful boyfriend in the world. I have no clue what I would do with out him in my life. So that is a little bit about me if there is anything else you want to know then just let me know and I will tell you.
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