Old School Punk Rock from West LA, Santa Monica, Malibu.Formed around 86 in the Malibu Jail, our home away from home.
Malibu back then was in transition from being a ranch town with alot of lower middle class people trying to hold out against developement, into the shinny clean rich yuppy complex it is now. Of course we got squeezed out eventually by the cops and the yuppites but, before that happened, we had alot of fun making noise and causing havoc.
This band and these songs reflect those times.With only a handful of punkers in such a place, you can see why we were the DEFECTS. Originally the Genetic Defects, we shortened the name when our best friend and original singer Jon moved to the central coast, he was the first to go. We have to pay tribute to all the past members because they were all part of the core that kept this band alive for 20 years.-------Jon-Vocals, Evan-Bass, Bruno-Vocals, Chris-Sco-Vocals and tour manager.----------------------------------------------------
Special Thanks: Budweiser, Tylenol, Dume Room, Mopar, Harry's Bail Bonds, Igloo, Chevron, Kaiser, Straw Hat Pizza, Judge Merrick and Mira, Malibu She-Riff's who kicked are asses, and all the drunk assholes who we still call friends.----------------------------------------------------
-------------WARNING: This product contains DEFECTS that may cause DEFECTS which include DEFECTS. All Songs Written By DEFECTS.