My True Colors
What is your nickname? Lana
What is your favorite color? lite blue, lite pink, purple, lite green
How many langauges can you speak/understand 3 english spanish and french
Are you a virgin? uhhh no
How many people have you had sex with? Next
Do You have any children? none but one of these dais
Are you a gossiper? no
Do people gossip about you? dont think so
How many times have you physically fought? none
Have you ever been jumped? none
Ever jumped anybody? no
Have you ever been cheated on? dont think so
Ever done the cheating? no
Honestly... ever been the other woman/man even if not by purpose? no
Ever fought over a girl/guy? ohh no
Do you think your attractive? Duh! of course i do ;p
Do you have sex appeal? what u think
Do you like having sex? thats a dumb question
Do you go to school? yea
Ever skipped school? yup
Ever wrote graffiti in a public bathroom? no
Ever dance in front of your mirror? yup
Sing in the shower? sometimes
Ever Went comando(no underwear)lol? yea ;p
Ever gave the finger? yup
Ever done anything with the same sex? nuttin sexual
Ever been in love? sure have
Ever been obsessed? probably
Did you anserw all these ? truthfully?? to tha best of my ability
When i think of you, somethimes you make me smile.
i can feel you, im missing you.
Where is my heaven? Where can it be?
How do i get there? Do i believe?
Where is my sunshine? Where is your light?
i wanna see you so u can make me smile.
The most fragile part of me nurses our strongest connection.
you live in my memory,
with the philosophy that now offers me completion.
i'm so well, and it's strange to be.
im torn by misdirection.
your my embassador.
you personify my admirations.
so beautiful.
i live for you, as you live for me.
you make me smile.
This is such a happy ever after.
you traveled miles, & now we're passed the finishing line.
you're startin' on time.
my music wears your name.
if they knew where to look, they'd find it. you showed me.
i am i because you be.
forever so magnificant.
the most amazing story i ever told.
so much more to be written.
thank you. you make me smile
i only pray my skin be as soft as yours.
my wisdom fall so fluently from mind.
my eyes readso truly off my spirit
and my laughter speak the clarity of time.
you were once the i thats now missing you.
you were once the baby born.
you had dreams of making a diffrence in the world.
my journey was fulled.
i feel you. i hear you. i see you. i believe in you.
but i cried. my light.
sometimes you make me smile.
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92.00% Sex Skill Level
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"NOTHING"I gotta admit sometimes I feel weakfor loving you the way I do.It..s beyond me,I can..t control it or force it to be,what I want it to be.I think about you so much,when I..m with you and when I..m not.It..s deep the way looking in your eyesjust changes my whole perspective.Nothing is more beautiful,than loving you,Holding you,Being next to you,Kissing your lips,taking my time with you.Nothing is more beautifulthan loving youHolding youbeing next to youMoving my hipsMoving in time with you.Put of all the things in the world, god gave us to each otherIt's amazingYou are the king I always imaginedThis is the best time of my life.
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