†Rockin Dreamer† profile picture

†Rockin Dreamer†

Life is short so live it well!!

About Me

Creative SpiritzI love my life and would not change a thing!! I have a wonderful Husband and 2 Awesome children!! They are my whole world!! I love to work in my flower gardens. My Grandmother who adopted me gave me her green thumb!! I really miss her dearly!! But I know she watches over me from above!! She is my Guardian Angel!! I love to go to Nascar races!! My favorite driver is Mark Martin #6. I really love to spend time with my family and all my good friends and have a good time!! I know that life is what you make it, so you should live it to the fullest!! We are only here for a while, so I say Rock on!! HOT Myspace Layouts† † † † † † † † † Click here to get Falling Objects † † † † † † † † † † † † † † †
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My Interests

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I love to Dance! Have Friends over for fun! Shopping is a must!! Camping out is is big favorite! I love flower gardening! Well Just love to have fun!!!
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I'd like to meet:

I would really love to meet all of my friends on myspace!! I have met alot of great friends!! You are all awesome to me!! Thanks so much for being such great friends!!!
Creative Spiritz


I love all music!!


horror, tear jerkers, action


soaps, csi, american idol, Supernova


The Holly Bible, The Note Book, Danielle Steele booksI really don't read all that much! lol..But I do like to talk..way too much! lol..If you have Yahoo and would like to chat with me there you can add me: [email protected] or [email protected] on msn


My Husband Keith,He takes such good care of me & the children. He is always there for me through hard times. The good times are the best!! My love for him grows with each passing moment!! I thank God for giving me such a wonderful Man!! I love my life and would not change a thing!!God is my hero, He has blessed me in so many ways!! with out him I know that I would not have anything!! I thank him everyday

My Blog

Happy Heaven

It has been nearly a year since my Grandma passed away. I know that she has no more pain or worries. This world has plenty of that! The 20th of this month would be Papa's Birthday. He is with her now....
Posted by †Rockin Angel† on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 04:16:00 PST

This time of year is going to be so hard

Thanksgiving is when we lost my husbands Grandpa. He was a great man! He meant so much to me. He called me Sunshine. He was a very funny and hard working man. He past on last year the day after Thanks...
Posted by †Rockin Angel† on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 01:46:00 PST