Cuttin Wax...Back to back......and also spitting, freestyling, and geekin out wit my homeboys
Thome York of meet him then steal his wisdom n creativity!
I listen to almost every genres of music, so trying to name every single artist i like would be i'll just name my favorite this week.The Reverend...Al Green of course, David Bowie, Quas, Wes Montgomery, Jedi Mind Tricks, saeita, isis, JDILLA, the decemberists, NEUTRAL MILK HOTEL, The ISLey Brothers, Against Me!, sigor ros, n explosions in the sky. Pretty diverse if u ask me;/
Everyone must see "Bomb the System" by my homie El-Producto. The Life Aquatic with STeve Zissou, Rushmore, the Departed, The Protector, n I (HEart) Huckabees...Fuckabees! nothing else
Choke by Chuck Palanuik.. and also trainspotting n Acid House by Irving Welsh.
ANyone who's real n isnt blinded by the american bullshit the media n government feeds the consumer populis/.fools