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About Me

I'm in a lot of bands, including Barnacled, JMMJ, JMMMMJ, Bellows (www.myspace.com/bellowsbellows) and the What Cheer? Brigade (www.whatcheerbrigade.com) Others have included the Haldols, Rust Bucket, Octoappendegal Duo, Juan's Pleasure, and Tangent, plus playing in/for numerous one time only improv groups, an operetta, modern dance performances, performance art projects, etc.

My Blog

beetle sex

so at work one of the things i do is breed this endangered beetle. it has the same protection status as a bald eagle. only like maybe 2 or 3 other places in the country do it, and not as well as we do...
Posted by on Fri, 08 Apr 2005 06:16:00 GMT