Hi we're 158 Braintree Squadron Air Training Corps. And here is an insight into our squadron life.
In 1938 Air Commodore Chamier started the Air Defence cadet Corps.
158 Braintree Squadron started in 1938, In 1941 the government took over the ADCC and the Air Training Corps was formed.
Braintree Squadron is still going strong today. We do activities such as drill, flying, gliding, adventure training, camping, radio work, sport and shooting. We also have a classroom based syllabus where cadets learn about the RAF, ATC, navigation, communication, aircraft handling, flight and airframes.The ATC has a similar rank structure to the corps. With the rank structure going corporal, sergeant, flight sergeant, cadet warrant officer.
Cadets also work their way through a classification system of first class, leading, senior and staff cadets.At least once a year we go on camp to different RAF stations this year we went to RAF lyneham where many cadets enjoyed flights in the Hercules.
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