jERmEiNe profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

iM a KIkaY buT dEfiNitELY NoT a BitCh!! i LuV DoiNg diFFeREnT ThInGS..vERy ADvEnTUroUs..i LOvE mUSic..aNd SiNgInG ReAllY LiGhTeNS UP mY DaY!LoVe TO DAnCe..cOZ Im A pARTy ANiMaL..hehe..i REaLLy hATe fAKe pPLs...nO fAKeS pLs..iT/tHEy mAKeS mE feEL gOod..i HaTE 'eM fROm mY StUff..iT rEaLLy iRRiTAteS mE aND dRIvE mE nuTS..i'D rAtHEr hAvE mY LisT oF fRIenDS sHOrt tHAn hAVe FaKEs iN iT,sO sPArE mE tHe AgONy oF hAVinG yOU hERe bACk sTUbBing,diM-wITtED PpL aRE bIG nO nO..iM nOT tHaT rEvENgEFuL pERsOnwHEn sOMeOnE hURts mE..cOZ i dONT hARbOR uNKinD tHOUghTS To aNYBodY..tOo mUCH oF tHAt!!aM An uLTrA vAiN pErSOn bUt oNLy tO a CeRtaiN eXteNt tHAnK yOu vERy MuCh!i cAn't diE WitHoUt sEeiNg tHe ReSt oF tHe wOrLD, i WanNA LeArN hOw tO sPEaK FrEncH, MaNDaRinE aND EsPaNoL dAng! i HavE tO LeArN aT LEaSt oNe oF 'eM iN tHiS LiFEtImE!i'M tRyiNg tO gET rID oF pRoFLiGacY iN mY LifE, i Do THiNk iT's nOt wORtH iT, aFtER aLL YOu cAn nEVeR tAKe 'tHOsE' WiTh yOu whEn yOu DiE...i'M a ScORpiO...AnD wHaT dO tHeY SaY AbOut PpL bELoNGiGg tO tHaT SiGn...DynAMiC, fAsCinAtiNG aND ofTEn mYSTeriOUS - a cOMBinATiON tHAt dRAws mANy tOWaRdS uS, SCORPIOS aRE tHE BEST LOVERS, iNSTiNctiVeLy kNOWiNG wHAt yOUr pARTNeR wANtS hehehe... Oh aND LEt THe tESTimOniALs gUiDe yOu! ....i dOnT eVeN gEt aTtRacTeD tO gUyS iN jUsT a sNap oF a fiNgEr... aNd iF iT tUrNz oUt tHaT i LiKe tHaT gUy, iTz bEcOz he'Z pErFeCT fOr mE!! i dOnT cArE iF iTs aGaiNsT aLL oDds bUt aS LoNg aS i LoVe Him aNd hE LoVeS mE bAcK,, wE'LL LiVe!! iF yOu sAy tHat hE iS nOt gOoD eNoUgH fOr mE,, mAyBe yOu aRe jUsT hALf oF tHe wAy hE iS!! iF i LoVe sOmEoNE, iT iS bEcOZ i tHinK hE iS tHe bEsT gUgUy aNd nO oNe cOuLd eVeR rEpLaCe hiM!!iM rEaLLy nOt tHaT sEriOus tYpE oF gUrL, bUt wHeN iT cOmEs To LoVe iM sUpEr sERioUs!!! bUt iM nOt eNtErTaiNinG gUys!!! =P

My Interests

singing, playing volleyball, dancing, etc...

I'd like to meet:

...I am looking for someone who is striving for perfection mentally because I need conversation and mental stimulation. I don't need a simple-minded person./CHILDISH??ahhh theres no room for you guys..I am looking for someone who is striving for perfection spiritually because I don't need to be unequally yoked, believers mixed with unbelievers is a recipe for disaster./ ...I need someone who is striving for perfection financially because I don't need a financial burden. ...I am looking for someone who is sensitive enough to understand what I go through as a woman but strong enough to keep me grounded./ ...In a man, I am looking for someone who I can respect. In order to be submissive, I must respect him. I cannot be submissive to a man who isn't taking care of his business. I have no problem being submissive...he just has to be worthy./ ...Now, am I asking a lot??? of course.. I am worth that much! all women are!


td width="575" style="word-wrap:break-word"
Ne-yo feat. Jin - So Sick Rmx

Right-click and save to download the mp3 .


if u tink, dat u knw me, ur probably wrng..coz ders olweiz someting inside of me dat stays w/ me 4rever!!// eight steel..trY To bREaK Me DoWN, bUT i WoNt fACe ThE gROunD..