to be honest...I'd love to be a model more than anything.
someone to inspire start talkin'!
Corie and I at the cast party:
corie:is he going to throw those rocks at him?
me:I don't know, he might.
corie:that'd be funny if he did.
me:Cain and Abel Part 2!!!
*insert corie dying laughing here.*
criminal minds, SYTYCD, Big Brother, The Amazing Race, Survivor, and my favorite: STEVEN'S UNTITLED ROCK SHOW!!
Too many to count
mia tyler- she's an inspiration to all plus sized girls out there.
This is my bestest friend ever! We've been through a lot together and we've been friends since age 5!! Beat that! She can make me laugh when no one else can, and I love her muchly. All I have to say is: Gubler. and vampire gnome babies!!!
Tori! Woot:
This girl is my total twin!!! We have Tori-lepathy like no other! She has a blender named Eleyce, and I have one named Thorton. Yeah, we're that awesome. We've got a connection that no two other people with the same names will ever have. I can sense when she's about to call me. We go back...way back. Won't you take me to...GERMAN CLAAAASS?!?! Two words: Charlie. Sheen.
Ali Doodle:
This girl is freaking amazing, and we act like complete two year-olds when we're together. We have adventures together, and we write crazy stories. We met in Summer School Gym, and we've been practically unseparable ever since. We're totally amazing together, and we will blow your mind! hehe...jyrkicise!
This girl is amazing. We've known each other since seventh grade. She's just one fifth of the most awesome group of people...EVER!! She's kinda japanese, but she's totally crazy. She's super funny without even trying to. She's super brave. Can you say awesome marching band section this year? Love ya whitless!!!
Alright. This girl is awesome, and you can't win against her. She's my fellow Bari Sax player, and I don't know what I'd do, who I'd be, or where I'd be without her. It took awhile for us to get close, but now we're freaking amazing. We never get to hang out anymore because she works all the freaking time, and we're getting older. Oh well. We're going to whip the low woodwinds into shape!! Yeah!! Let's face it, we're the *!@#. *mwah*.
Where do I begin? This kid is amazing. We're seriously awesome together. In fact, we're super heroes. Super Lukas!!!!! bum-ba-bum-ba-ba-bum-ba-bum-ba-ba-bum-ba-ba-bada-dada. *clapclap...clapclap* you make me smile, dearheart!