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I am here for Friends

About Me

Once upon a time (a fairly long time ago) an unfortunate and unsuspecting young couple were told that they were expecting their first born child. This was me, I arrived on 11th October 1977, and they named me Natalie. I Weighed in at 7lb 7Oz - an average weight for my age - the only time I can claim that! However Karen and Martin AKA Bubbles (mum and dad) did their best to provide a sound and happy childhood for their new sproglett. I reached all the usual milestones and was blessed with a sister (when I was 8 years old) called Franca and a brother called Isaac (when I was 11)...did I say blessed? I meant cursed!! - no - just kidding, at the time of their arrival I didn't believe it - but as my aunts and mum used to predict - they are now my best mates.I now have two beautiful daughters myself, Amber (age 14) and Erin (age 7) - they are great, can always bring a smile to my face with their mischievious antics and cheeky comments.Since leaving school I have been on several courses, and gained several qualifications (as my school results were not that hot!!) but have always worked hard and paid my own rent - which is something I pride myself on as it beats the stereo-type of the 'gymslip mum'!I originally trained as a Dental Nurse, and worked as a RDN for about 7 years but I then took a career change and decided to follow my mums footsteps and work with people with mental health illnesses. I qualified as a Registered Mental Nurse, at Bournemouth University where I gained a 2:1 Bsc Degree with honours in 2007. I now work as a Community Psychiatric Nurse, which I love.Dave and I have now been together for over a year now and since we got together things in life have begun to make sense and I feel content and happy with life. I love him and he makes me feel loved - Thanks Dave!Other facts: I have been a Vegetarian all of my life!, I used to be phobic of spiders before I'm just scared!, I hate racism and stigmatisation, I have a fair amount of tattoos and piercings!, and have no fillings in my teeth (or holes!), and I hate being bored........interesting huh?!! (not)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Nice, genuine, interesting, intelligent people with a tale to tell, that have similar interests and quirks as me; for friendship.

My Blog

The Blues Brothers - Jailhouse Rock
Posted by on Fri, 01 Aug 2008 17:06:00 GMT