capulets-quill.blogspot.comBorn in 1987 as the love-child of a Russian bear-trainer and a street mime, Sophie was swiftly sent to work in a passing travelling circus. By the age of five she had mastered the trapeze, but after an unsolvable disagreement with Butterbean, the leader of the chimps, about the political and economical state of Finland, Sophie decided to leave the circus and hitchhike to Japan. On arrival, Sophie realised she was in fact in the bottom of a box of Crunchy Nut cereal, and proceeded to eat her way to freedom. Soon after she was caught by the British government and forced into education, Sophie developed multiple personality disorder, which she overcame by overdosing on Omega 3 tablets and awaking with no memory, collapsed on the left side of a flip-flop. Sophie has migrated to Norwich, where she plans to either develop acute alcoholism or study English Lit with Creative Writing at the university. She has yet to decide.(Some or all of the above may be a lie.)+ + ++ + +