Who I would love to meet: Robbie Peden who in the past few months has shown me what being a real Champion is about,he has my full respect and admiration, I want to see the world Title belt once again around this guy, he is everything the word CHAMPION stands for..FULL RESPECT BRO THANKS.. These Photo's of Robbie Penden were by Laura Livingston, and///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////An other man I would love to meet is the GREAT UNCLE MIKE, a champion on a whole different level ,but a champion !! Respect my stars and stripes mate *respect*, now is the dirtbike gods I would love to meet,pretty much all of my top friends list! Carey Hart and the whole metal mulisha crew -Freestyle GODS- all the pro's and freestylers you guys are out there ,and Everyone and anyone who rides...Just nice people And anyone who judges people on the person not what they see or HEAR about the person, Where is the love?
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