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corns pretty good..............skateboardings good
This is my deal.....ok? I am a college student at a college in Canada called Bethany Bible College, It's way rad! There, at this place, I am studying to become a Uth Evangelist ( someone who travels around speaking to groups of teens about God ). My desire is to do whatever I possibly can for God.....HE DONE CREATED ME! Oh another desire of mine is to eat and drink as much donut cakes and Mellow Yellow's as my precious lil heart desires!
Yup so, Skateboarding is pretty cool, I do it alot! uh...Cuz it's pretty cool!
Dude...I like Hardcore and Crusty punk music....JcxHC! Pretty much, it's gotta represent Jesus Christ! Yeah, the whole thing were the bands pee on the crowd and spit out like an oozy, goowy, gorry, bloody, yuck yuck spew kinna stuff out on the innocent crowd that is there to support them.....yeah that's just not the coolest thing in the world...I'd rather jump off a skyscrapper and catch my eyelid on a nail than support the "cool" fella's that bite off there arms and yack the guitar players with it.....!
So pretty much I would be an idiot not to say what I stand for......CHECK THIS OUT!....Yeah yeah, keep readin, you might like this... So I live my life for this dude called Jesus! Only He's more than a dude, HE'S LIKE "DUDE!" Ya know? This guy is da man, only He's like da "MAN!" ya know how I flow...bro...eatin snow....and watchin it grow...when you wanna go, and kiss aunt Joe! Dude, God allowed His Son to leave Heaven and come to earth where we bite off our arms and beat our guitar players so He could be humiliated, hangin up on a cross for me and for YOU! Werd? Alright, check this out....I live my life dedicated to a God I can't see because He is amazing! Sinse I have lived for this "DUDE" I have stayed away from things like freakish beings trying to be rockstars by biting off there arms and have been provided with a joy that I can't express. ( like it's bigger than Al Borlan's Mom ) Listen to this! People always think i'm on drugs or drunk ur som'n because of how goofy I is.....DUDE! It's just because I can't hold in such an incredible feelin of this God "DUDE" Guy that God just brightens me and gives me a comfort that will last longer than any sexual feeling, pinecone, or George Forman Grill will ever do! Ya heard? Yup yup yup, i'm not ashamed of this incredible God that I love so much!
I am my own person, I xSTAYTRUEx to my beliefs. The thing is I want everyone to know that I except anyone just the way they are, weather they believe what I believe or not. A lot of people assume i'm some jerkish, preachy kid that'll be all BLICA-GOD-BLICA LA LA LA!! Truth is I love respecting others and chillin with them and I hope for the same respect back. If people ever do wanna talk, i'm all for it...I love tellin others what the Lord has brought me through and what He's done for me! Absolutely love it!
When you see me out on my board jumpin off roofs and when you see me at shows goin nuts in a pit, what I hope that shows is that CHRISTians can be rad too. I'm not your average guy. I enjoy slams and bighting the pavement on my sk8board and I love throwin down in the most dangerous, thick pits where you have to earn your way into dancing. If it makes you look half way dorky i'll prolly do it! HA HA HA! But the deal is i'm pretty chill and if you wanna talk to me about God "n junk" just say the word, other than that you'll prolly see me acting drunk ur som'n cuz of how overly joyed the Lord has made me.
Layout By; In Loving Demise lyts.