My name is "I knew a girl named Nikki and I guess you could say she was a ...DARLING!Yeah, that's it !When I was younger(much younger) I always wished that someone would write a song with my name in it and the best I got was Prince and Darling Nikki. Ok...I could've gone my whole life without a song and to make it worse...we couldn't keep it in the 80's and my 20's the freakin' foo fighters had to mock me with a remake in my 40's. What the crap? I am a proud mother of Two and a SUPER proud MIMI. I work LONG hours and too hard at my job most if I don't answer right away or post bulletins or blogs very often it's not that I don't wanna chat...I just have very limited time. I LOVE hearing and reading all you have to say it often lightens my mood and brightens my day. So keep postin all of you who get to enjoy life in cyber-space. My friends who know me, know me well, anyone else, just ask away!!!
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Layout by CoolChaser