art, elvs, magic, dark things, gore, blood,painting,drawing,singing,parkear,write,video games
rhapsody, kamelot, arcturus, heroes del silencio,slipknot, stratovarius, sirenia, rata blanca, mago de oz,lacrimosa, rammstein,tristania,theater of tragedy,opera 9, after forever, nigthwish, cannibal corpse, brujeria, queen, iron maiden,mayhem, burzum,deathstars, the cure, etc...
L.O.R., H.P., Aristocats,Interview whit the vampire, Queen of the Damned, Vampires de Jhon Carpenter, The Omen (all), The Exorcist(all),Halloween (all), Psichosis(all),uff un poko mas q no me acuerdo ahorita :P
Liber Legis, El principito
Batman,Jack Skeleton,Hermes the three times GREAT!