babybaker profile picture


baby, I've been drinking with some friends. now how 'bout a little kiss

About Me

hair product aficionado. closet nerd. Crystal Light addict. devoted barstool ornament. beard lover, goatee fighter. goofy laugher. IMDB's number one fan. enamored of the word "lovely."

My Interests

to quote Nate Dogg, "I ain't for games. so if you want to play them, lay low"

I'd like to meet:

anyone who liked Veronica more than Betty. people with long limbs that can reach things. askerbackers. anyone capable of thinking I'm fantastic. 5 o'clock shadow enthusiasts. oh, and Chris Brown.why is Tom Gabel so hot?.. -- SpringWidgets | The Dark Knight (#38903) | HTML | Generated on 05/30/2008 -- Get this widget!


Jesse and the Rippers. that's about it.


I have way too many to declare a solid favorite. but wait! here are a few that make me clap my hands and drool with delight. both Young Guns, both Wayne's Worlds, American Psycho, The Lost Boys, A Letter to Three Wives, Closer, High Tension, Empire Records, Cannibal! the Musical, Once,


Law & Order:SVU, House, Strangers with Candy, Stella, Home Movies, and every trashy reality show VH1 spits out


Wuthering Heights, Catcher in the Rye (typical), Invisible Monsters, Middlesex, Divine Comedy, A Clockwork Orange, The Virgin Suicides, Lord of the Flies


My Blog

this girl is a trainwreck

this video was brought to my attention last night. apparently, I was interviewed at the Pitch Music Showcase thing that happened several weeks ago. I was at the Beach Club to see The Life and Times. A...
Posted by babybaker on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 11:45:00 PST

I have to bring attention to this

In the last few years, the movie industry has been flooding the theaters with remakes. Maybe they're running out of ideas. Or maybe it's an "I can do that better" sort of thing. Whatever the reason, i...
Posted by babybaker on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 10:48:00 PST

trying all the windows and running up the staircase

I have to write this down before I forget what it felt like the other night I came home. my new home. I live in the South Plaza now, which so far seems like the best location ever. anyway, I got home,...
Posted by babybaker on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 02:03:00 PST

making it and checking it twice. maybe three times just to be safe

About Me sections can be awfully vague. and I wanted to put something marginally entertaining here. so I'm going to take a cue from Rob Gordon and make some lists. but instead of Top 5 I'll be going w...
Posted by babybaker on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 08:50:00 PST

cue the adventure score

Leslie already made a blog about today's misadventures, but I think I'd like to try my hand at it too today began like any other saturday. I shuffled into work, and ate my cheesey tots in silence whil...
Posted by babybaker on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 11:58:00 PST

if we catch any Women of Faith, they'll get a beatdown

after what may have been the longest summer of my life (in quality, not time) here I am. first week back to the grind--the "grind" being school. where my sleep and eating patterns are once again prede...
Posted by babybaker on Wed, 23 Aug 2006 03:35:00 PST

quite possibly the smartest thing I've ever said

it's true, ladies and gents. while talking to my darling friend, Pete, I unleashed a great--and completely impromptu--original thought. it's short and sweet. you may not be impressed with it, but I'm ...
Posted by babybaker on Fri, 10 Mar 2006 09:43:00 PST

I quit

so I quit smoking today........there better be something in it for me. other than, you know. life.   ***EDIT*** haha, that didn't last long
Posted by babybaker on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST