Everything in my life slowly seems to be coming together. My days are consumed with working, and my best friends: Todd, Janny, Jason and Hedda. They all make up a different part of me and they have been there when no one else was. My boyfriend consumes me. He's every part of my being and I love him more than I thought it was humanly possible. He's my best friend as well as my support system, and everything else I'll ever need. I've had many friends and most of them have either let me down or given up on me. I'm a strange person and hard to understand, but once you do you'll know that it's hard to come across a person like me. I wish I could spend all of my days soaking in the sun. And I never remember what songs I want to download. I want to stumble into a place where I know nothing and can learn a lot. Just me on my own adventure to find myself and figure out the world around me. I wanna be out there enjoying every thing life has to offer me. I'm becoming fond of the constant flow of my life. I'm a smart girl with a bright future. I don't regret anything and I am proud to say that every decision I have made, good or bad, has brought me to this point of my life in which I am happy with. Myspace has become a pointless pastime for me when I don't seem to have anything else to do. I love company and a good conversation, so jump in for one at any time. Also, click on the little panda. Everyone needs to be aware of how our living arrangements is affecting animals and what we could do to keep the many suffering wildlife species alive. I don't know about you but animals are a huge part of my life and I want my children to be able to experience all of the wildlife also. When we're told about global warming affecting animals, as well as other things, not as many people are quick to jump up and help but a lot of them are quite willing to accept the millions of hard working dollars handed over to them each month by hard working citizens. Just a rant from observation of every day life. The point is a lot of people are quick to receive but never to give. Don't take it personal, it doesn't apply to everyone...just click on the link please! I just love animals and it's one SMALL step closer to making the world a better place =)