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Need to PASS a Urine Drug Test?

At Perfect , we offer the latest in drug testing solutions with our easy and affordable urine substitution kits. These are sterile, DRUG-FREE, human urine samples guaranteed to pass your drug test or your MONEY BACK! Protect your privacy and civil rights! Our Perfect Urine Substitution Kits are the only way to guarantee a clean urine test without discrepancies. Don't depend on the technology of yester-year (detox adulterants, masking chemical flushes, or purifying pills) when the tests of today are checking for it. Secure your success and future with our guaranteed method.

Guaranteed Drug-Free Pre-Tested Urine Samples or your money back!

Our urine is accompanied by a money back guarantee , having already passed laboratory inspections for traces of illicit drugs, steroids, tobacco, alcohol and pre-screening for potential medical conditions. We offer both men and women's urine to protect your lifestyle and your privacy.

Our samples can be stored frozen for over one year making it easy to purchase one for future use or many for continuous use. The Perfect Urine Substitution Kits have been developed to thaw quickly and used easily with one hand operation. The kits come complete with miniature heating pads to maintain the urine at body temperature for hours while you wait. Easily Transport Your Perfect Sample... . All Substitution kits provide for easy, hassle-free transportation of clean urine samples. Our urine Substitution systems will maintain your urine sample at acceptable testing levels for up to 10 hours, giving you the flexibility needed when taking a drug test. Our urine samples are sealed securely within the sample bag, and are connected to 2.5 feet of non kink able rubber tubing. You can easily control the flow of urine with a simple on/off switch providing a quick, no mess operation. After use, simple dispose! Ever substitution system also comes with very detailed instructions. These walk you step by step through the process of warming, placement, and use.

Use the code "MYSPACE" for 10% OFF when ordering!