music, movies, business, coffee, epic things, wonderful friends, and real estate interest me.
-sigur ros- -david bazan- -the cardigans- -sufjan stevens- -albert hammond jr- -clem snide- -the weepies- -great lake swimmers- -rocky votolato- -nada surf- -arcade fire- -over the rhine- -voxtrot- -andrew bird- -mewithoutyou- -postal service- -danielson- -death cab- -dension witmer- -iron&wine- -damien rice- -anathallo- -the strokes- -okkervil river- -in the face of war- -husband&wife- -rodeo ruby love- -away with vega- -margot and the nuclear so & so's- -amy millan- -joshua raiden- -lakes- -matisyahu- -neutral milk hotel- -rilo kiley-
-pusuit of happyness- -crash- -the illusionist- -kill bill- -matchstick men- -identity- -the prestige- -stranger than fiction- -anchorman- -eternal sunshine of the spotless mind- -the jerk- -high fidelity- -red dragon- -american history x- -fight club- -superstar- -almost famous- -to end all wars- -i heart huckabees- -28 days later- -neverending story- -casino royale-
lost seinfeld family guy conan o'brien freaks and geeks arrested development
-the bible- -wheel of time- -lord of the rings- -east of eden- -the great gatsby- -1984- -my name is asher lev- -all the king's men- -mere christianity- -good to great- -the apple way-