Nå er det vel på tide å roe den Ella Guru "hypen" litt? Middelmådig shoegazer rock/pop er da vel ingenting å rope hurra for? Hadde det bare vært et lite snev av talent samt egenart å spore (litt Captain Beefheart inspirasjon i tillegg til navnet hadde heller ikke vært å forakte). Hvis Trondheim vil la seg lure av en gjeng med musikalske analfabeter så gjerne for meg, men vær ærlig om deres manglende referanser (gjelder både band og "fans"). Flott med nye band, for all del! Men la nå band bli noe annet en tøvete kostyme kledde fjols, og manglende "låter". Sikkert litt som å banne i kirka, det er bare slik at noen må begynne å øve, og andre må komme seg ut av ruståka.
In English:At the age og 5 y.o. Preben started to play the guitar. When he was 16 he started a band called Ace of Bace, he got kickt and started the muslims, everyone thoght he was a racict and he sarted Ella Guru. Ella got big in Japan and the band desided to kick Preben out. Preben died in a car accident in 2005. R.I.P...actually it wasn't really a car accident in the words proper meaning, what happened is that his son, preben2.0.0, stuck his favourite toy car, a red ferrari, down his fathers throut as he was asleep. calling it a car accdident just sounds more...rock'n roll... anywhay, preben2.0.0., a really messed up, throuble minded kid, ended up on the street, selling hisDONOTBLOCKOURADS body to polynesian sailors. Preben2.0.0, blames both his fathers tragic premature death, and his own miserable situation on the band that once kicked his father out of the bandwagon upon the japaneese countryside, som fifty miles south of Ishinomaki. He has started his personal vendetta against Ella Guru, and started this summer, by killing their synth-player Ola Tombola with a frozen herring. (R.I.P.). Because of this, Ella Guru has engaged a new synth-player, and we hope he will last longer than his predececcor.