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About Me

"THAT'S MY BOY!" ALEXANDER STEPHENAlex was born on January 10th 2008 at Mease countryside hospital in Safety Harbor Florida. He was born at 7:29am and he was 7Lbs 8Oz and 20 inches long. Our Doctor said he was a miracle baby because he was born with his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck 2 times and it also had a knot in it but he came out just fine! The doctor said because of the umbilical cord, I should have had a C-section but since alex wasn't in distress, I was able to deliver him normally. God was definately watching over us.As the Doctor was checking Alex they found he was also born with a heart murmur so they did an ultra sound on him which revealed something more. The doctor wasn't exactly sure what it was so they reffered us to a cardiologist who specializes in infant heart conditions. We saw the cardiologist when alex was 3 weeks old and he did another ultra sound which revealed that the heart murmurs are closing just fine and that was exactly what we wanted to hear. What the doctor said next is what we didn't want to hear.Alex has Pulmonary Stenosis. That is where the pulmonary valve in his heart (that's the one that delivers blood to the lungs)is closing when it should be opening. Which means he MIGHT have to have surgery. It isn't open heart surgery which is a great thing but it is still surgery.Although Alex isn't showing any signs or symptoms such as turning blue or having trouble breathing (that is a very good sign) he needs to be monitored every week by the cardiologist. There is a possiblity of the valve opening on it's own which it already has a little since the first time we saw the doctor and I am thankful for that because if it wouldn't have opened, I would be sitting in the hospital right now while my 4 week old son goes through heart surgery. I thank God that he is home with me and doing fine right now. So, to whomever has gotten to the bottom of this paragraph, please pray for my baby boy. Alex underwent Pulmonary Angioplasty on April 7th 2008, His heart is fixed and he is now a healthy happy baby boy! Thanks to all those who prayed for him.

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COULDN'T WAIT TO MEET MY SON!! He was born on January 10th 2008! I love him SOOOO much!