Myspace Layouts
I liKE aLL tyPEs, DepENDs on ThE moOD im IN. Me and Smelly
~TRanSFormERs~ ~hoW 2 LosE a GuY iN 10 DaYS~ ~THe HOLidAy~ ~Mr.& Mrs. SMiTH~ ~300~ ~thE noTEboOk~ ~a WaLk To RemEMber ~GLaDIaTOR~ DisNEY MOvieS YAh!!
~HERoES!!!!~ ~priSon BReak(WentWortH mILLer)~ ~smALLvILLe~ ~ThE HiLLs~ ~LagUNA BEach~ ~nEWporT HARbor~
THe Lord iS mY ShephERd; I ShalL nOT wANt. He MAKEth mE to LIe doWn IN GreEn PastuREs: HE leADeth mE in THe STilL WaterS. hE reStorETh mY souL; He lEAdetH mE iN thE pATHs oF RighTeousNESs fOR hiS naME's SakE. YeA, thoUGh i WAlK thrOUgh thE vAllEy oF The SHadoW oF deaTH, i WIlL fEAR no EviL; foR THou ARt wiTH me; thY roD ANd thY sTAfF thEy coMFORt me. ThOU pREparESt a TaBLE bEFORe mE iN thE pREsence Of MIne enEMIes; thoU aNOinteST mY heAD witH oIL; My CUp RunneTH oVER, SUreLY goODneSS anD meRCy SHalL FollOW mE alL thE dAys OF mY lIFe; aND i WIlL DWEll iN tHe HOuse OF tHe LORD fOR EveR.