Glittery texts by
You Are 72% Evil
You are very evil. And you're too evil to care.
Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot. How Evil Are You?Hi ya. My name is Emily but everyone calls me "M". I'm 24, I come from the land of lift kits,tow trucks, dump trucks and cows.. or Nacle. I'm rather boring... I don't drink or smoke, I just like to watch everyone eles get trashed and make asses out of themselfs. I have done it many a times and don't wish to ever do it again. I have an all right husband, he like to piss me off a lot , but hey thats men in genral. We do have the 2 most perfect kids in the world Billy 8 and Alicia 7 and we are going to baby in April. I'm not on some endless quest to "find my self" Nor do I plan to. I'm a real Big townie. I like were I'm from, I like the fact that I can walk in my back yard and it's like an Issuse of National Geographics. Even though at times I want to leave I know in my heart I will always be a Jersey Girl from the sticks. And maybe one day I'll have my big house in Chatsworth that I walk around in the back yard naked and know that Only God and the deer can see me :-D.body{ background-color:rgb(0,255,255); background-image:url background-position:c 80.jpgenter center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-attachment:fixed; }