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I am here for Friends

About Me

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*Fall back, take @ l00k at me n0w & u'll see, |'m f0r real...|'|| feel what 0nly | can feel...@nd |f that d0es n0t appeal t0 yer, let me kn0w...@nd |'|| g0 cause | feel better when my c0l0urs are sh0wn...|'d thr0wn |t all away bef0re | L|e...s0 d0n't call me w|th @ c0mpr0m|se...& that's e way it has t0 be, h0nestly...|f yer wanna try me, g0 ahead & try cause |'ve @ backb0ne str0nger than urs! ~*~ Th|s |s @ st0ry 0f @ gurl wh0 cr|ed @ r|ver & dr0wned e wh0|e w0rld...A 28 years, |'ve been here f0r var|0us reas0ns...Granted e strength 0f e anc|ents...|'ve @ m0dern sens|b|Lity but @ dead ar|st0crat's |mpeccable taste...Am | unique? By no means...| myse|f combine e best of eterna| y0uth & 0|d age...| kn0w exactly wh0 |'m... n arr0gant L|L b|tch wh0 sees e need t0 w|n |n battlef|elds...0ften seen as pr0ud as e peacock, f|erce as f|re & c00l as e breeze...|'m n0t ev|L, |'m n0t g00d, |'m s0mewhere |n btwn...| carry @ sensltlve And caIrIng nO pRetentIon @nd wat u see Is wat u get that more peolpe lovE In me...S0o0o n0t yer average sugar & spice g|rly next door...@ very va|n & w|nny at t|mes creature ('m 0bsessed w|th myself) because | be|ieve bef0re yer learn to l0ve 0thers, se|f l0ve |s needed 1st...hates e e|ement common|y found |n women; pett|ness....ad0res SEX 0N E BEACH (|t's a dr|nk, yer moron...what were yer thinking 0f?) |nsat|able appetitie f0r knowledge 0f any k|nd... e F word never fai|s to make |t to my everyday v0|cab, sarcast|c remarks 24/7...Pe0p|e 0strac|zed me f0r be|ng a superf|c|al b|tch just because | say what's 0n my m| me |t's a 'TAKE |T 0R LEAVE |T' s|tuat|on...Not a v|0lent g|rl but| be|ieve |n e phrase 'HELL HATH N0 FURY L|KE @ W0MAN SC0RNED" as |'ve e tendency to h|t punks, Loosers with @ B|G CAP|TAL (L) & s|uts who gets me on e edge... |...T0 sum |t all, my L|fe's e 0pp 0f Im true, funny stupId bItch....@ poet, smarty, and explorer Of lIfe - mastEr of RoadtrIp bewarE the faInt of heart! moments of genIus

My Interests

i love playing guitar, reading books, and so many it depends upon my mood

I'd like to meet:

a simple loving and friendly person....


love songs RnB pop anything it depends on my mood


isolde and tristan, brave heart, kingdom of heaven.


testament of friendship


super girl, superman