Edie enters the Factory in her otherworldly daze. She is at once natural and a creation of pure artifice. Everything about her—her tights, her long legs, her high heels, her preternaturally skinny body, her huge eyes—seems to drift upwards as if the cigarette she is smoking were made of helium.
In every age, in every era, in every group there’s always been people like that through history, people who are illumined from within, possessed or blessed. It might be your great aunt or the woman who had the house on the top of the hill who was a fabulous person, but unless she was an actor or a famous artist we never get to see those shooting stars. The difference between Edie and many of those unique people who’ve faded from memory was that Andy was there to shine the spotlight on her and capture her. With the coming of the democratization of celebrity—which Andy predicted—many more of these unusual people will come to be known and appreciated. Edie was the first real example of that and she quite rose to the occasion.
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