Founded in 2005 by Andria Wilson, Keelin Jack, Andrea Norwood and Toshon Dawe, Left Foot First Productions is an independent theatre company based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. With 2005's successful run of the Pulitzer Prize winning 'The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-moon Marigolds,' the ladies of Left Foot First received critical praise and enjoyed working in a strong, collaborative environment.
The company's 2006 offering, 'Lear's Daughters,' premiered at the Atlantic Fringe Festival on August 31, 2006. This powerful and poetic prequel to Shakespeare's 'King Lear' stars LFF founders Wilson, Jack and Norwood, and also featured Sarah Jane Blenkhorn and Andrea Dymond, all under the direction of Michael Mcphee. The production was a huge success, playing to four sold-out houses and earning the title of Fringe Hit for the Subrosa venue! Check out the reviews in our blog!Here are a selection of photos from the show, taken by the talented Dennis Chaulk.