honesty,change,warm days,creating,actions speak louder than words,walking the path of the wise ones,stoping to realize,audio creations,loving wife,my baby boy,mechanics,creating music that has not yet been appreciated,rippeling effect,zero point energy,not getting out of bed,hot tea,intercepting thoughts,you should be scared,seeing the whole you,connecting the dots,fortune in silence,a thumb that is green,insomnia,filling the hour glass,perpetual motion,a poet with only one apreciation so far,dextarity,muse,headaches that never go away,observation,stage fright,perfectionest,making tools on the day of mercury,nail biting,full moon,ebb and flow,vibrations in the key of D,the narrow gate,complacent,syntheticly bound,organically created,latex gloves and a brief case,being prepared,skyclad in your rights,open minded,golf,hated school,a nice cigar,tuned in,silence,self sufficent,comfortable life
I would have liked to have met my relitaves that have passed before me such as great grandfathers and there fathers ect...The people of wich i am a part of today. What i think is unfortunate is that without the memory of someone or without a story for someone to tell of them or without something they might have created, memories of entire lifetimes seem to dissapear ofer time. A lifetime is a valuable thing and should not be forgotten...
falling down, silence of the lambs, pulp fiction, top gun, rad, saturday night fever, oh yeah beat street is pretty tight to.
anything educational.......
the witches bible, gardening, performance cars.......
people who save lives for a living, whats more inportant than that?