Mrs. Spicy Latina profile picture

Mrs. Spicy Latina

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About Me

I don't live in a box so I find it hard to sum myself up in one! ABOUT ME: Gotta love this section. Well if you are reading this most of this you should already know or have some what of an idea as to who I am. Thus it seems kinda silly to be writing about myself. But if that's not enough for you here is my long winded version because honestly I don't have some simple answer. I am straight forward but not simple.My name is Samantha I am Mostly a Irish/Latina mix! AND OH MY! I am very passionate, be it, happy, mad, loving, it can all be very intense. My very poor and very lucky husband.. ;-) I am a strong force. I exuberate a great deal of passion, life, love, a strong sense of self and natural sexuality.WHAT ELSE CAN I SAY ABOUT MYSELF? WELL... "I would rather be hated for who I am, than liked for something I'm not". Like most people I have grown and changed a lot over the years. I am still growing and changing and I hope to continue for a long time. I love all kinds of music. I love fast cars and big trucks! I grew up with two older brothers and as crazy as we make each other at times I love them dearly! I would go to the "mat" for either one of them any day! I also have a beloved foster sister, who is a great friend, but will always be my sister to me. And a whole gaggle of step sibblings. Safe to say I come from a large exstended family.♥ I have two kids, a sweet ever changing and growing young lady born March 1997 and a busy not so little boy born in June 2006. ♥ My Husband and I have been together since October of 2003 ♥ And, YES! I REALLY DID MARRY his cantankerous (however nicely shaped) old butt ♥ I am so happy. We have been through a lot and been able to learn and grow through it all. I am looking forward to and am thankful for each day we have together. God truly has blessed the broken road that brought us together ♥* Things I want:*A new tattoo. *A nice new car that is always clean. *A boat *To travel all around the world. *To swim with dolphins at Sea World. *To own a Bed and Breakfast. *To finish my last degree. *To live somewhere where the sunshine's 350+ days a year. *To learn to speak Spanish fluently. *To raise successful, happy, well-adjusted children. *To get my Pilot's License. *To have a lifetime subscription to National Geographic, Sport's Illustrated, and Cosmo.~ THINGS I LIKE: Thunderstorms, Mustangs, Hummer(H2), pretty smells, lotions, yummy candles, ect...CLEAN SHEETS ON MY BED, Victoria Secrets. Hiking, walks on the beach, singing at the top of my lungs when no one can hear, acting silly and carefree, the ocean, neat little country and coastal towns, laughing, dancing, destination-less drives, volunteering in my community, most music, late nights, long talks, HUGS, waking up to a tender kiss followed by a strong pull, massages, JUAN COLORADO'S or Olive Garden ....UMMMM....YUMMY! DISLIKES: Fake people, liars! users! slow ass drivers, bad parents, MORNINGS! clowns, breaking a nail, snakes or any other vial creature, bitches, cheaters, cold feet, being out of Strawberry Kiwi Propel, getting into an un-maid bed, Did I mention MORNINGS? UHG!.., and miscommunication's.< Me: I am just a girl who's often sweet, a little crazy, some times flaky, always there when really needed, a faithful, loving woman, one who's hair isn't always perfect, sometimes I can't say anything right, I am very determined, a survivor of life’s quandaries and MYSELF. I am just me. A silly, some times serious....Oh so..VERY sarcastic and you may not get it woman. A true smart ass but always loving. You either love me or don’t know what think of me personality. But I grow on ya, and you just can’t help but be drawn to me. The what and or why I have and not always real sure of but invariably I am a must have and you too may not know all together why.I am kind and honest to a fault. I am a horrible liar and when I do lie it kills me inside and is written all over my face. I hate hurting people but am not immune to the dishing out my wrath if I feel pushed. However I try to control the push. I'd rather brush you off as insignificant than break and feel as though I need to say or do something spiteful. Never feels good no matter how warranted it may seem. I always feel I need to make amends when allowing myself to be pushed and have a hard time feeling at rest until I say I'm sorry and that sorry is received by the other. I am nobody's doormat though I speak my mind but I always strive to be tactful and respectful of others feelings when being my outspoken self. I am a stead fast friend but hold a special few close however I always try to treat everyone I meet with kindness and compassion. I am protective and would do anything for those I love. My faith is strong and runs deep however I do not feel that I need to prove it to anyone on this earth. That's between me and God. I stand tall and firm and I may stumble, maybe even fall at a time or two but I always pick myself back up and go again with a greater resolve. I have tried to make my personality traits my attributes and not my obstacles. It is a life long process. I am a life long learner and love to surround myself with people I can learn and grow with.After much debate on weather or not to put picture's on here, I have added pictures of me and my family. If you are criminal type or drama b.s. type think twice before try to twist personal information displayed here to your advantage. I really do hate when people dehumanize a person by work, religion, sex, or social status, and so on! That is when "we" loose a common human perspective. I believe everyone deserves respect, unless they personally do something to loose that basic human respect. KARMA I tell ya, what goes around comes around! If you do wrong YOU WILL have to answer for those actions to a higher power someday, as do I. Deal with it and accept it! I have dealt my share of Good and Bad Karma, which I know was all my own GOOD and BAD. I own it, which is what has brought to where I am today and why I make the choices I make. I know! I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED TO BE THE PERSON I AM TODAY. I did have to stumble a few times to get here and make mistakes (some I wish I could undo to prevent those hurt by my actions) but I love the woman I am today. I have taken so much from my trials and my mistakes through life and it has made me stronger today. I am not perfect, I never will be and that's ok with me. There always will be more I hope to accomplish, but I am happy with me. Life has been so good to me! I am just trying to do all I can to deserve the blessing and chances I have been given! I have learned not to dwell on the past and always look forward. To be happy with what I have but never settle for less than I deserve. I have taken from everything in my life and use it as a learning tool. I say a prayer daily and I try to live as though each day could be my last and I will have to answer for my actions. At least that is my philosophy I work hard to live by. We all sustain life in a similar manor. We eat, breath, and dispose of bodily waste in a similar way. Personal choices and attitudes are what separate people. There is no issue, so don’t make one!
You Should Have Been Born Under:
You are totally loyal, faithful, and honest.
However, you don't trust others to be as ethical as you are!
Straight forward and direct, you really aren't one for small talk.
You are a great listener - and an agreeable companion when you're in a good mood!
You are most compatible with a Tiger or Horse. What Year Should You Have Been Born Under? love layout powered by HOT / MyHotComments

My Interests

I enjoy spending time with friends & family. I like staying active. I always feel so much better when I do. I love my kids & they are my life! I enjoy time with my sweetie too, we have a blast together! I can really be myself & let loose with him & I love that! I love old muscle cars. I enjoy a fine wine or a good beer. I love great company in a casual, comfortable environment. I am open and like to just go with flow....I am not uptight. I am up for almost anything! Be it spending the day at the falls hiking, or walking on the beach. Watching movies or just going for a scenic drive. I am up for most anything & can have fun almost anywhere. I LOVE FOOTBALL season!!!!!!!! Reminds me of watching my brothers play and it seemed the whole town would come out to watch and root the team on.

I'd like to meet:

That is a very good question! I could basically talk to just about anyone and probably have them rolling laughing or shaking your head in the first few minutes of conversation. I love meeting new people and am always up for being social! If you have a story, I am ready to listen. If you can teach me something, I am ready to learn. If you can challenge me, I am up for it. Inspire me! SO MANY GREAT MINDS I WOULD LOVE TO MEET!But for here and now purposes I am looking to stay in touch with friends and family share pictures and emails. I am not into MYSPACE GAMES. I AM LOOKING TO STAY IN TOUCH WITH PEOPLE I KN0W, OR PEOPLE I HAVE LOST TOUCH WITH. Don't message me if your life is full of drama...or your into drugs...or a criminal type! I am a NO BULLS**t kind of girl. I HAVE NO TIME FOR ANY OF THAT! I'd drop anyone who is toxic in a heartbeat friend, family, whatever. I have no time for games! I don't care who you are! I am a trooper and am a friend who will always be there through the rough times to pick you up when you are down but if you can't take me kickin' your ass and telling you to get your shit together if you are screwing up, or you telling you "your socks don't match" I am not the friend for you. I listen well and am always good for some sound advice yet still respectful of anothers choices. It's your life as long as you don't try to make your problems mine I can agree to disagree or not understand and not be bothered by it.I have learned over the years that quality of relationships means more than quantity! I am all about substance. If you are a person of substance then I would love to hear from you.


I am an eclectic music listener. I can’t pick just one kind of music I like. I love Rock, Rap, R&B, Soul, Alternative, Country, Classical, you name pretty much I like it all.(Honestly I am sure there are a few songs in every genre that I like).


Movies that keep you on the edge of your seat or make you think. Sweet, romantic, action, drama, you name it... My husband and I don't get out to movies much with two kids. Not a great pool out there right now. I did see the new SEX & THE CITY MOVIE when it came out and just bought it when it hit DVD! I loved it of course!
Spanish graphics from My Onda -


Law & Order (C.I., S.V.U.,) I love Sex & The City. Discovery Health shows, Cold Case Files, Forensic Files, Flip that house, Cops, CSI, Crossing Jordan, House, Nip Tuck, 10pm News.


I love to read Bio and true crime stories.


My children who teach me how to see life through pure eyes, my mother who has always been a survivor and has thought me so much about my own survival, commitment, and faith. My Abuela "D" who passed away February 2007, She was an amazing woman of love and faith. My husband, he knows why. The men and women in Public/Civil Service who do an often thankless job and do it with honor for the good of a community. Our Soldiers and their families who donate there time and give so much to this country.Prayer
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My Blog

Duck’s game 9/20/08

We are going to see the Duck's Football on Saturday the 20th! Yay! Can't wait to see them kick some serious booty!    ...
Posted by Mrs. Spicy Latina on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 04:10:00 PST


Posted by Mrs. Spicy Latina on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 01:19:00 PST

Ice Cream for the Soul

Last  week, I took my children to a  restaurant. My  six-year-old son asked if he could say  grace. As  we bowed our heads he said, "God is good, God is great. Thank you  ...
Posted by Mrs. Spicy Latina on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 12:51:00 PST

Does your name fit?

S: Makes people laugh A. Easy to fall in love with M: Has gorgeous eyes A. Easy to fall in love with N: Hotttttttttttt! T: Makes dating fun H: Frickin hott A. Easy to fall in love with     &...
Posted by Mrs. Spicy Latina on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 03:02:00 PST

DD COP    ...
Posted by Mrs. Spicy Latina on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 12:05:00 PST

My sexual style

      What'>">What is your sexual style?created with QuizFarm.com">>   You scored as HotYou are Hot,...
Posted by Mrs. Spicy Latina on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 05:47:00 PST

We will never forget 9/11

Posted by Mrs. Spicy Latina on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 03:56:00 PST

Give this day purpose! Happy Memorial Day!

Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from Sexi Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from Sexi This day will soon end, yet there's a way to always preserve the value that it offers. Gi...
Posted by Mrs. Spicy Latina on Tue, 29 May 2007 04:28:00 PST

Perfection...A Woman of course;-)

WOMAN'S PERFECT BREAKFAST She's sitting at the table with her gourmet coffee. Her son is on the cover of the Wheaties box. Her daughter is on the cover of Business Week. Her boyfriend is on the cove...
Posted by Mrs. Spicy Latina on Mon, 14 May 2007 02:58:00 PST


You Are 30% Left Brained, 70% Right Brained The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning. Left brained people are good at communication and persuading other...
Posted by Mrs. Spicy Latina on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 12:29:00 PST